Hi There, I am traveling around Europe fro 3 weeks and need to take medicine (twice a day) that HAS to be kept cool. I would like to take a small battery operated cooler. Any ideas? Thanks!!!!
I guess that is what you will have to do,, in that case bring extra batteries. I would also bring a small insulated lunch bag and a few of those refreezable packs, in case cooler breaks you have a backup plan. You will have to ask where you are staying if you could use their freezer, so if languauge is going to be an issue I would have the translation on a card in every language that you will need explaining you must keep your medicine cold as they are not likely to agree to helping you with freezer packs if they think it is just for picnics etc.( at least at some places otherwise they would have to do it for everyone)
PS If med is insulin I thought the newer drugs did not need refrigeration( although I do realize that the heat of summer is still a no no ) .
Also, check with doc and pharacist, is there any other drug you could take??
Good luck!
I have used a pack like the example in the link below. You just soak it with water and ring it out. It works by simple evaporation, but it does stay cool. It doesn't work when enclosed in your bag, so it needs to stay out somewhere in your room.
Another example with a better explanation of how it works.