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Ideal Backpack Size for 2 Weeks

I'm going to travel around Europe via train for 2 weeks. I purchased a backpack that is probably too big. Its capacity is 74L/4500 cu in. What size or particular backpack would you recommend for this type of trip? (I definitely can pack light...but, i want to bring some stuff back.)

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23574 posts

The standard carryon bag size is about 2500 cu in so I think that is adequate. Whether it is 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months we use a standard carryon bag For a little extra space we will pack a book bag size, light weight bag that becomes the dirty clothes bag as we move about. On the way home that bag is stuff with dirty clothes, other junk and checked. Then we have room for the extra and if the dirty clothes go missing on the way home, it is no big deal.

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4132 posts

CAH, 74 liters is about 4,500 cubic inches, not 2,500.

2,500 c.u. is the size of Rick Steves' basic bag and that might be in the ballpark for you. To me, that's still too big, but most people here seem to prefer even bigger bags then that. Also, smaller travel bags are no longer available--seem like the Eagle Greeks get bigger every year.

As for bringing stuff back, you can always buy a cheap tote there for your souvenirs.

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23574 posts

If is 4500 it is about twice what you probably need. And if it is a typical, external frame backpack it is too big, too heavy, and too ackward to conveniently carry on trains. Remember you don't have to carry your bed, cook stove or food. You are in a modern country where can buy that stuff.

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83 posts

Yeah, CAH, that's almost double volume than what I used for a 6 week trip (47L). But if you don't mind checking your luggage in at the airport, it really comes down to if you'll be comfortable backpacking with the 74L bag.No doubt you'll be seriously tempted to fill that puppy with things you 'might need' for the trip. I'd fight that urge, pack light. Why not have the extra wiggle room.

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959 posts

I don't know if you're a girl or guy, but 4500 cu in seems right to me, but I'm a girl. We just got back today from a 3 week trip and mine was about that size. I only bought a few TINY souvenirs and two t-shirts, and my backpack was just the right size. And thanks to laundry facilities, I had just enough clothes. The backpack doesn't weigh much, so who cares if you have a bit of extra room? Considering how cool many of the cities were while there, you're going to need room for some warmer clothes... Better to have a partially full backpack than not enough room. It's not like you're bringing a bulky suitcase... And by the way, my husband's backpack was 5000 cu in...