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I want to go somewhere NOW.

Who wants to support me while I quit my job and travel? I can't wait till I'm starting a "Save Jill's Sanity" fund. Any takers?

Posted by
922 posts

I feel your pain, Jill. I don't travel till September. Meanwhile, my boss is planning his Italian honeymoon, and it's just KILLING me!

Posted by
152 posts

Where are you going in Sept? Wow..hearing about an Italian honeymoon would kill me too! I feel your pain.
:) Hey, maybe some nice Sugar Daddies will take pity on us here on the boards. Ya never know.

Posted by
152 posts

Hey Kerri, Loved your blog. I went to Ireland for the first time last March. Absolutely loved it. The people, the food (Guinness stew!!!!!!), the beer, the music, and the gorgeous scenery. Have you been to Berlin? That is next up for me in October.

Posted by
9269 posts

You could always join the Navy and travel all the time!

Posted by
32384 posts

Jill, I also feel your pain. I won't be able to travel until late August, but wouldn't mind leaving now. In my case, one possible benefit of waiting is that perhaps the Air Canada strike will be settled by that time. Your trip will happen - try to be patient.

Posted by
517 posts

The bad news: The wanderlust never goes away.
Or... maybe that's the good news.

Posted by
1976 posts

I hear you, Jill! I'm technically going to a different country this year (while visiting relatives in Buffalo, NY, we're going to Niagara Falls on the Canadian side) but Europe must wait until next year. Waiting until you can travel is pretty hard, but deciding where to go might be just as difficult. Iceland and England - no, just England - okay, England and Hamburg - what about London, Hamburg, and Vienna? - or London, Hamburg, and a week in Turkey - damn!

Posted by
1645 posts

Thomas says the wanderlust never goes away, but I think it gets stronger and stronger with each successful trip. I have to wait til September for my south of France trip. The longing is compounded by listening to my sister's tales of her travels. She took a half year off and went with her family to Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Caribbean (twice) and Italy. And to top it off she's the worst kind of "ugly traveler"! I know this because we traveled together twice. She's so undeserving!!! (only a partial lol).

Posted by
14901 posts

The PP is right. Wanderlust never goes away. My 93-yr-old Mom with dementia, tethered to O2 laments often that she never got to go on a safari or to the Antipodes. HER Mom was always ready to go. "Just let me throw a toothbrush in a bag..." she would say.

Posted by
646 posts

I, too, feel your pain. Will be returning to Italy in September and I'm already thinking about the trip after that one. Of course, I can never get enough of Italy. Even toyed with the idea of trying to live there part of the year. But, alas, first granddaugher was born last year and stole my heart. So, I now have about a three week limit because I miss her too much.

Posted by
12 posts

I also have the "lust". My husband accuses me of planning a trip on the way home from the current trip. Off to Houston (hot) for a wedding next weekend and Canada (BC) late July-August. Can't wait. The family story about my great grandmother was, when asked if she'd "like to go?" she'd reply, "yes, where?" Afraid I got the gene.

Posted by
142 posts

I feel the same way! I have a 6 country trip coming in Sept and it ALL I can think about when I'm not thinking about work stuff. Kerri, nice blog btw

Posted by
199 posts

I am so totally having the same pain! Closest thing to travel I can do right now: Reading travel catalogues, looking at luggage ads, drooling over my travel magazines, and envying people. When cabin fever really gets bad, I stroll through REI. Pathetic. I'm denying myself all kinds of treats so I can invest in my travel fund because some day, that's gonna happen! First I need to get the cobwebs off my passport... Happy Travels to all!

Posted by
152 posts

Hmmmm, seems I am not the only one who is pining away for a rucksack adventure. Thanks for listening to my whine and for all the sympathy. Happy Travels!

Posted by
922 posts

Donna said: "My husband accuses me of planning a trip on the way home from the current trip." Okay, hands up: how many of us do this?! (raises hand) Jill: I'm going to Ireland. Can't wait! The travel fever never does go away. I was bitten by the bug 25 years ago, and I have yet to find a cure. Of course, I haven't been looking very hard for a cure. It's such a rewarding "sickness"!

Posted by
122 posts

I'm struggling too, Jill!! Doesn't make it any easier that I actually have a countdown clock. As for planning the next trip, I usually start while I'm on my next trip--I can't wait to get home to plan! Hang in there!

Posted by
4125 posts

I think this is a sign of the sickness too. We are actually on a domestic vacation right now doing some planning for our European trip that happens next month. You can only do so much planning for the REAL trip when you are at home distracted by such things as jobs, responsibilities, etc. We usually get away for a few days in the early summer to discuss our final thoughts and plans for our annual European trip. I even brought the Italian phrase book with us for the long car drive to AZ.

Posted by
2193 posts

Go see Midnight in Paris this weekend, and your illness will get even worse! The upside is that it may make you want to go buy a ticket for tomorrow night's flight out, so you'll have a quick remedy. BTW, fun film...great city shots.

Posted by
3696 posts

Are we all a little obsessive here??? I start to panic if I don't have a couple of plane tickets pending, and while I have been to all but 4 of our states and I like US travel it is nothing like when I am getting ready to go to Europe.

Posted by
33 posts

We are sad for you, too! We began traveling in earnest two years ago --- and have learned important lessons along the way: 1) pack lightly 2) don't buy too much throughout the year (remember, you can't take it with you) 3) make friends along the way and they may help with meals, accommodations, etc or help look after your place while you're gone Think Reciprocity 4) Think of the value of the memory, visits, as an investment and you may begin saying no to trivial movies, "stuff", and meaningless purchases that can help you save up for the more meaningful travels. 5) follow advice of the more seasoned travelers (esp. the 'frugals', and those that plan way ahead) You are on your way, Jill! I liked the advice of taking a more modest vacation in between the two more extensive and more expensive ones. Happy Travels!

Posted by
993 posts

It really is a physical pain isn't it? Sometimes I worry there is something wrong with me that makes me want to be somewhere else. Not only do I plan my next trip on the way home, I start plotting "the next time" while I'm still there. Too bad I was born beautiful instead of rich. What? Not that either?

Posted by
559 posts

Hi Jill, As everyone else here - I feel your pain! Visting the Helpline everyday is probably NOT the way to get over my craving, but I can't stay away. BUT - at least you're going to go sometime THIS year; I'm not available until NEXT summer. Have fun this fall!

Posted by
1446 posts

I totally agree with you, Laurel. I'm always waiting for the next trip, and it never comes soon enough.

Posted by
873 posts

Ha, I most likely won't be able to go to Europe again for the next 5 years. You can wait until October.

Posted by
331 posts

In an effort to make you all feel better, it's been raining here for the last 12 days - raincoats and wellies, smelly wet dog, muddy foot prints though the house, festivals cancelled and winter wood supply already eaten into. Mud slide from the forest behind our house has taken away half the garden. At least you're all dry! (I assume)

Posted by
922 posts

Actually, that does make me feel better. Nothing like a little Schadenfreude to brighten up the day! ;-)

Posted by
152 posts

Shoni, WOW, that stinks! I'll keep a good thought for go have a hot toddy. Yes, October's not that far away. Sigh. I really have nothing to complain about. Heavy Sigh. ;-D

Posted by
152 posts

P.S. I was actually hoping Rick Steves would see my post and offer me a job. Rick? Hello? Rick????? LOL.
Oh, he's in Turkey right now...I did that one 2 years ago and man, does that bring back some great memories.

Posted by
331 posts

If you're looking for work, my garden needs underpinning! Funny you should mention hot toddies, we had one last night, right after our winter warming Irish stew.

Posted by
503 posts

Jill, I'll start a fund for you if you start one for me! Yesterday morning I was in Venice and tonight I am home and thinking about where and when my next trip will be and dreading going back to work on Monday. My trip this year is over while you still have yours to look forward to..........I am jealous!
Have a great trip.