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I pods on flights to UK from the US

If it wasnt for this forum I would be lost - so many prompt respones to all my questions on trains, euros, flat irons...thank you. Some websites indicate i pods are not allowed on flights to UK. Can anyone guide me. Thanks.

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32324 posts


This is the first I've heard that IPods aren't allowed on flights to the U.K. Which websites were you looking at? I've used my IPod on past flights, and never any problems.

If you're using an IPod Touch and the airline is especially strict, it would be a good idea to turn the Wi-Fi "off". That way the device won't be emitting any RF at all during the flight. You can access that in the "Settings" menu.

You'll probably find several people on the flight watching movies on Laptops or doing other work, and most computers these days also have Wi-Fi so the airline would have to address that issue as well.

Happy travels!

Posted by
12313 posts

I was on a domestic flight recently (Continental, horrible seat pitch). The attendant repeatedly got on the PA to tell people if their devices didn't have a flight mode, they weren't allowed. I'm assuming he was talking about IPhones/Blackberries/Laptops but he only said "devices", so who knows?

Posted by
89 posts

Usually you can't use any electrical device (iPod, laptop, Kindle, etc) during take off and landing but once you get to a certain altitude they will come on and say you can use approved devices (for the most part that includes everything but phones). So once you're in the air you should be ok to pull out your iPod.

Posted by
8 posts

Thanks to everyone for their responses - I have travelled within the States often enough to know the rules but it was just two particular websites that clearly said no i pods on flights to UK.....what the heck...I am taking it and enjoying all the music on my 10 hr flight...cheers...Rani

Posted by
873 posts

I can't think of a reason iPods or iPhones should be disallowed, as long as you don't turn it on during take-off or landing, and keep it in Airplane Mode/WiFi off during the flight.

Posted by
104 posts

iPods are absolutely allowed and a boredom saver at that. On our recent flight the screens were so bad at our seats you couldn't see the movies anyway. Thank goodness I had my iPod and season 3 of Mad Men. Made the trip much more enjoyable!

Posted by
668 posts

Never heard of the no iPod on UK flights. My sister has one - she lives in UK - and used it on her 2 flights out to Canada earlier this year. My wife & I have MP3 players and use them on flights to Glasgow last year.