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I-Phone/Kindle App Needed for travel

I plan to put my travel docs on my I-Phone and/or Kindle. I'm very organized and want an organization app where I can have "file drawers" for each group of documents, such as Plane, Cruise, Passport, each country, etc. Any suggestions? Debbie

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12315 posts

I used Documents To Go, based on a recommendation. It's probably not perfect but worked for us - we kept track of phone numbers for lodging, any reservation information, sight information for the trip (hours, cost, etc.). We used both excel and word files.

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34583 posts

Debbie, consider editing your post and removing your email address. There are spammers who watch this Helpline and you may get unexpected and unwanted presents if you have it available in the open.

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2905 posts

Yay, organized! On my last trip I used Dropbox - easy to use, can put the program on your desktop to file and organize documents, then use iPhone to access the documents. If you're not planning to use anything but WiFi, be sure to open the documents in the phone app before you go, then you don't have to download them there. The added bonus is you can access it from a computer over there in the off chance you need to re-print something.

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14 posts

I'd recommend GoodReader. This is what I've been using since the app came out. You can input any kind of file (Office docs, iWork docs, including jpeg files of say, a subway map.) You can also create folders and put a password on each folder. That will keep your scanned passport in an accessible but safe place. You can also sync or download your documents from Dropbox, SugarSync, Google Docs, SkyDrive, etc. I usually make a folder with the country's name, and inside, I create sub-folders for hotel confirmations, flight details, attraction/museum e-tickets/reservations, train schedule, emergency contact info (police, ambulance, embassy), etc. I also have a password-protected folder for my scanned passports, IDs and bank contact info.

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161 posts

Thank you everyone, especially Nigel! We are thinking of Wales, Ireland, Scotland for our next trip. If you know any places that are MUST DO sites, please let me know.

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1663 posts

I use Evernote. Allows you to save emails to it on your computer as well as other PDF, word, or excel documents. I then organdize a trip by folders (reservations, sightseeing information, insurance, etc (I copy informative RS posts into a word doc, then save as a PDF doc). Then I synch my ipod touch to my computer. Then I make sure the folder is available off line on the ipod, so I can access files without wifi. Costs $5.00 a month, so you could sign up for your trip, then cancel if you wanted. I always seem to have a trip or two in planning stages, so for $60/yr, it's not that expensive. I also have reservations/passport copies in my email, where I can access if needed from any computer.

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161 posts

Can I e-mail a travel doc to the cloud and pick it up from there or does it go into my books area? Does it have to be in pdf form? What is the extension for my e-mail address? Stupid question, I know.

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92 posts

I have also used GoodReader for traveling and found it was an easy way to store and access documents and maps.