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I Phone Help in Europe

I will be in Europe for three weeks (Paris, London & Scotland)and was wondering if my USA made Apple I phone will work? I was planning on putting it in airplane mode and just use the free WiFi network. Has anyone done this lately and if so did it work or did you have any other problems. Do I need to contact AT&T and sign up for any program or will it just work when I get there. I would also like to use the Apps and was wondering if they will work on WiFi? Several years ago I has in Ireland and the phone would not work at all.When I turned it on nothing until I got back to the states. Thanks for help in advance!

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446 posts

The iPhone should work in Europe with no problem. You say you had problems before, but were you using an iPhone? Some American cell phones, such as Verizon phones, don't work in Europe. The only trouble with using an American iPhone in Europe is it's expensive. At a minimum, if you want to make phone calls or use the data part (browse websites, etc.), you need to sign up for one of AT&T international voice and data plans for the iPhone. Without such a plan, you will get a REALLY BIG phone bill when you return. And, even those international calling plans are not cheap.

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534 posts

First and foremost, before you even get to Europe - turn off your "data roaming". Under Settings/General/ will want to shut off your data roaming and your 3G. Reason being is that you don't have to do a single thing with your phone but if your data roaming is "on" - you will come home to a very large bill. the phone automatically sends out and receives info for your text/emails/gps etc. Each time it does that, you get charged. You can still make calls with your data roaming off if you need to - but you will pay for them. As long as they are super quick - that shouldn't add up to a lot. Maybe a $1 a minute? Secondly, you absolutely can use Wi-Fi in place of your data roaming and it will be free. I did this a lot at hotels and it was super easy. You may need to get directions from the front desk on logging into their Wi-Fi....or you may just be able to hop on without any codes. However, I did go into a Starbucks in Munich hoping to hop on their Wi-Fi but since my German was not good - I could not figure out what to do to log into their network. So that was a bit complicated. Thirdly, your questions about the Apps is "maybe". Some Apps are wholely contained on your phone and you would not need any network to use them. I understand the Rick Steves museum tours are wholely contained so you wouldn't need a network. Other Apps will depend if they need to hop out onto the net to run. If getting subway maps or city maps - look in the description to see if they run independent of a network. Hopefully they will say and I think most the travel apps get this point. And of course you could add international travel to your contract, but it is hardly worth the cost unless you are traveling internationally regularly. Hope that helps. Just remember, if your data roaming is on - you are paying a premium for it.

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534 posts

oh sorry, one more thing. If you want to test your current Apps, just shut off your Data Roaming & 3G now while still in the states and see if your Apps run. If they do - great!

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32324 posts

Bill, Just to clarify, your iPhone was likely manufactured or at least assembled in China. The short answer is "Yes", your iPhone should work fine in Europe. I probably wouldn't switch it to "Airplane mode" as I believe that will disable the Wi-Fi also ("Airplane mode" disables anything that will transmit). As someone else suggested, go to the Settings and disable 3G data roaming. You might want to contact AT&T as I'm sure they would be able to tell you which menu setting to switch "Off". Be sure to check it periodically when travelling as I've heard a few reports of the data roaming setting mysteriously turning "On" (perhaps when the phone is turned "On"). You can check the Usage Meter to determine if you're using any data during the trip. ¶ It would also be a good idea to contact AT&T regarding their roaming plans, as that will reduce your costs for voice calls and texts. I'd suggest using voice calls sparingly as the cost will likely be $1-2 per minute for both incoming and outgoing. Texting is usually the least expensive as sent texts should be in the range of 60-70¢ each and received are usually free. ¶ Your iPhone SHOULD have worked in Ireland on your previous trip, but you may have to manually "force" it to check for a network when you land. Were you using the same iPhone at that time? ¶ Regarding the App's, most should work fine on Wi-Fi, however those that require access to the cellular network won't work with data roaming disabled. Most App's specify whether they will operate in an "Off Line" mode, and those should work fine. However, if you're using a Map function or whatever when you're out touring (and don't have access to the Net), the App. won't function fully. Happy travels!

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446 posts

To clarify two things: whenyou switch your iPhone to Airplane Mode, wi fi is automatically turned off. However, you can then turn wi fi back on. As to using an iPhone at Starbucks, it works automatically, and for free, in the USA, but not in Europe. You have to pay AT&T extra for a premium wi fi plan to make it work in Europe. AT&T has two different wi fi plans [INVALID] a free for iPhone and other smartphones sold by AT&T that works at Starbucks and McDonalds in the USA and a premium plan that you pay extra for, that works at some other USA locations and in Europe.

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842 posts

Tyler, I did not pay AT&T to use my IPhone wifi when I was in the EU in June. My IPhone wi-fi worked fine anywhere I went. Since my Iphone was "jailbroken and unlocked" I even stuffed a prepaid EU "phone only" SIM chip in it so that I had cheap calling in the EU. I put my AT&T SIM card in my old AT&T RAZOR and used it for emergency calls to and from the US. I did pay AT&T $5.99/month for one month for their overseas calling plan to use with my RAZR. This enabled me so to use their reduced EU "calling only" rate of ONLY($.99/minute) Bill, call up AT&T and they will gladly explain what they can do for you. They also have an excellent link on their web site that explains all of your options for the IPhone, and tells you how to place the settings to minimize your costs. And remember, any voicemails left on your phone while you are overseas are charged at the higher rate...even if you do not answer them! That is why I changed my message on my phone and told people NOT to leave me a message unless it was an emergency. They also have a new option that will allow you to use data at a reduced rate. It is a pre-pay option called an "international data package", and they have four pre-pay options.

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1022 posts

The iPhone is just as useful while traveling abroad as it is at home. If used properly, getting its benefits need not be all that expensive. Sign up for ATT World Traveler plan at $5.99 per month to get the $.99 cent rate on calls, incoming as well as outgoing. Obviously, you'll want to watch how much calling you do. btw you must be signed up for international calling or the iPhone won't work in Europe which may be why yours didn't work the first time. If you expect to make or receive a lot of calls, look into getting an "unlocked" GSM phone and using local sim cards, but that's another subject. Re data, ATT's international data plans aren't all that expensive, but they do have limits on how much you can use; if you go over it gets expensive. If you experiment with your iPhone, you'll find that the big data hogs are email and maps. Web searches (restaurants, museums, etc.) and a bit of surfing like checking stock prices, weather, etc. typically don't use a lot of data. So turn off the "push" email function and only check email when you have wifi. And don't download maps. Keep Data Roaming turned off (Settings - General - Data Roaming) until you want to use the internet, and remember to turn it off again when you're finished. Keep track of how much data you're using (Settings - General - Usage). If you take these steps, you can enjoy your iPhone without busting the travel budget.

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1170 posts

I have used my iPhone extensively in Italy and have never had a problem using it, except for the rather large bill when I got home. I have never jail-broken my phone and don't ever intend to. I'd rather just use my phone as intended and eat the charges. I won't risk turning my iPhone into an expensive paper weight. First of all, you will need to sign up for an "AT&T International Data Package". It is a flat rate plan where you purchase a certain number of Mb for a fixed price. I usually buy the 50 Mb ($59.99/mo.) plan. You will need to estimate how much data you will use and purchase accordingly. Second, you will need to sign up for the "AT&T World Traveler" voice package ($5.99/mo.) which will discount roaming charges from the usual $1.29/min. to $0.99/min. for both incoming and outgoing calls. This plan will also give you a text rate of $0.50 for each message sent and $1.30 for each photo or video message sent. Standard home rates apply for receiving texts. Both of these plans need to remain active on your account for two billing cycles as some charges will not necessarily show up right away. If you cancel too soon, any charges that show up late will be billed at the normal rates (ouch!). It has been my experience that with fairly modest use of my phone, I will usually end up with a bill for $500 to $600 spread out over two billing cycles when you figure in all the plan charges, roaming charges, fees, taxes, etc.