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Posted by
5606 posts

And therein lies one of the biggest problems with the EU......bureaucracy. Trying to get all member states to agree on the ETIAS is difficult particularly those states who rely heavily on tourism and view ETIAS as harmful to the sector.

Posted by
2810 posts

It’s right up there with Real ID.

I’m not shocked 😂

Posted by
3203 posts

Why are you shocked? The ETIAS delays have been posted here for several years.

Posted by
2444 posts

So there was a whole lot of excitement and confusion for no reason at all. It was reported widely on U S media. I guess it must have been during slow news days.

Posted by
12257 posts

Currently, the ETIAS go-live is expected in May 2025 at the earliest.
Swiss State Secretariat for Migration

And at the rate they are going, it may be free by the time it goes into effect

When applying using this official ETIAS website, you will be charged a fee of EUR 7. Applicants who are under 18 or over 70 years of age are exempt from this payment.

Posted by
2740 posts

The problem is not getting countries to agree. They have already agreed. The delays are caused by the technical implementation. This is a very, very, very complex software project.

I doubt that countries "heavily reliant on tourism" would be the cause of the delay, given that the system will have advantages for the tourists as well.

Posted by
16787 posts

What are the advantages for the tourists?

The hope is that with ETIAS, more countries will open up their egates for us to use. That would save time at immigration.

Posted by
954 posts


So there was a whole lot of excitement and confusion for no reason at all...

Well yes and there were many posts pointing out that it was much ado about nothing.

...It was reported widely on U S media. I guess it must have been during slow news days.

Yes it was. it's cyclical and the same articles will come around again in another six months or a year with the same sensational gotcha headlines all intended to manipulate one's emotions to rage or panic click on the article, recreating the excitement and confusion all over again.

The best advice is to keep track of the official EU websites --

Posted by
424 posts

And therein lies one of the biggest problems with the EU......bureaucracy. Trying to get all member states to agree on the ETIAS is difficult

Makes me think of REAL ID =)