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I had no idea what was going on beneath my feet!

Maybe I'm clueless (ok, probably), but I had no idea parking like this was available. This link shows Budapest, but they have it elsewhere in Europe too. Has anyone here tried this? It's like the Jetsons except underground:) The little video is a bit long, but interesting.

woer parking

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3428 posts

A developer here in Charlotte is planning to build a condo structure with a similar "car elevator" that would take you and your car right up to your condo door- even on the upper floor! No worries about leaving out in the sun, vandals, etc. Of course, the price of the condos is "rather" more than similar sized ones.

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16053 posts

This is exactly how many parking garages in NYC have been parking cars for's not automated. An attendant has to park and retrieve your car. But the same stacked system.

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12313 posts

Very cool. Like Westworld, "nothing can go wrong, go wrong, go wrong..." :)

I hope they have English as a language choice in the machines (or at least a button to push to talk to someone who speaks English). An American might take a long time to answer the questions otherwise.

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2193 posts

That’s exactly what I was thinking, Frank. Another cool car-related thing in NYC (and other places) is Zipcar – join their club to rent an auto only when you need one. Members reserve online, walk to car park, swipe member card on car window, open door, drive off, and return to same spot when done. I believe gas, insurance, and mileage are included.

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32324 posts

I watched a demonstration of a similar system at the Museum of Transport in Lucerne a few weeks ago. The design was slightly different but the principal the same. The cars were placed on "racks" by an automated lift, much like the shelves in a warehouse.