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I'd Appreciate Your Help - London to Paris - September 2010

Hello Everyone,
My wife and I always take cruise ship holidays and the ship tours with all of their time limitations etc. but this time we are determined to do a “do it on your own” trip. Truthfully, it won’t be done “on my own” because I’m going to ask you to help me out !!!
I’ll give you our rough itinerary and will leave it for you to give us any and all advice on what to see, where to stay, best way to travel, things not worth the time to see, etc. etc. We have consulted Rick’s books and they’re very helpful but it’s from recent travellers that I expect to get the best tips – advice – etc. etc. So let me thank you in advance if you take the time to share some good information with me.
So – here’s the proposed trip - We arrive in London Monday September 13th – stay for 2 nights –Move to Bath for 3 nights (any tips here??) then back to London to take the train to Brussels then on to Bruges for 3 nights ( 3 nites too long here???) Then to see the Normandy Battlefields ( Is one full day enough – I know there are multiple beaches and tons of museums but if you have one day at one beach do you pretty much get the sense of awe and respect etc. or do you need 2 days??) Then on to Paris – for 3 days ( advice appreciated here too..) Any thoughts on Vimy Ridge or Flanders Fields....
Again – Thanks sincerely to each of you who might send me some information and advice - John from Canada - e- mail [email protected]

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11507 posts

Hi John,,

I have a few thoughts on your time allowences. London should be 3 nights( at least) , Bath will easily be done in two nights.

Brugges,, well , I have only visited it for one day,, and while a few more hours would have been nice, I think you could easily enjoy it in 2 nights and move that extra night to Paris or Normandy.

My husband did Vimy Ridge with our teen son and thought it was very good, ( perhaps not correct choice of words there, but you know what I mean)

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11507 posts

John,, I would also remove your email address from posting, people can private message you through this forum just by clicking on your name,,and that is a much better way of communicating with all us friendly strangers.

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15768 posts

I agree with Pat's advice. Unless you have been before, 2 nights in London and 3 in Paris is just not enough. I'd stop for a few hours in Ghent between Bruges and Brussels.

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1976 posts

I agree with Chani. Three nights is probably too long in Bruges and if you have that much time, you could do one night in Bruges and one night in Ghent.