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Do I understand correctly that the Webmaster's policy will be no hyperlinks once the glitches with formatting are fixed? I think hyperlinks keep the site cleaner. I know some have gone a bit overboard in using them in the past, but I'd like to be able to return to using them for better organization.

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32324 posts

Doug, at this point, I'm not sure what the situation is with the Hyperlinks? The website still doesn't seem to be back to normal and although there's been no further word from the Webmaster, I assume they're working on it. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Cheers!

Posted by
10344 posts

Doug, re your question: "Do I understand correctly that the Webmaster's policy will be no hyperlinks once the glitches with formatting are fixed?" You may want to ask the Webmaster on Monday. AFAIK, none of us forum users really know the answer to that question for sure, but my understanding is: Even if or when they get the remaining glitches fixed, if they do not make a change in site hosting software, then hyperlinks will not be allowed. If they change software, it's possible that hyperlinks will be allowed. But I don't have any inside info and may have it wrong, you (and anyone else) can ask the Webmaster on Monday. If you learn anything new from the Webmaster, maybe you could pass it on to us?

Posted by
78 posts

I find this site to be an excellent resource - in spite of itself. It would be a much more enjoyable experience if a better software package was chosen. Most forums use VBulletin or similar which allows users to easily format posts with hyperlinks, pictures, embedded video, etc. It also allows for much more useful searches. If this forum were more user friendly I would not be surprised to see much more participation (and likely revenue to Mr. Steves). Please do use a favor webmaster and consider a much needed upgrade.

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32324 posts

LL, perhaps they ARE working on an upgraded site, and that's why we haven't heard anything? I suspect that "money" will be a factor in whatever solution is decided.

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3313 posts

Received a nice prompt answer! While not bringing back HTML, they are trying to allow hyperlinks. Thanks to Andrew...

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1035 posts

How about some search functionality that doesn't require a trip to google? The limited nature of these forums begin to reflect poorly on the RS brand.