How well does a Rogers 3G cell (non-smartphone) in Europe in terms of reception, sending/receiving text/sms messages?
I currently have a Sony Ericsson k850 3G QuadBand cell. This cell did not work well when I was in Japan earlier this year. From no reception to sms/text messages being delayed by 7 hours to my Japanese friends having difficulty calling me. Just recently, my cell's internet settings somehow changed and now I cannot access the internet.
I had the previous model k790a TriBand and used it when I went to Spain in 2007. I remembered in my Spain 2007 trip, I was having difficulties receiving calls from home (Canada).
Unfortunately, with EasyJet's luggage constraints, I won't be bringing my 15" laptop where I can make Skype calls. And as much as I love technology and feel quite bothered that I won't have direct access to a personal device with internet access, I don't have extra money to spend on a getting a smartphone with a data plan or wifi feature.