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How well does a Rogers 3G cell (non-smartphone) in Europe?

How well does a Rogers 3G cell (non-smartphone) in Europe in terms of reception, sending/receiving text/sms messages?

I currently have a Sony Ericsson k850 3G QuadBand cell. This cell did not work well when I was in Japan earlier this year. From no reception to sms/text messages being delayed by 7 hours to my Japanese friends having difficulty calling me. Just recently, my cell's internet settings somehow changed and now I cannot access the internet.

I had the previous model k790a TriBand and used it when I went to Spain in 2007. I remembered in my Spain 2007 trip, I was having difficulties receiving calls from home (Canada).

Unfortunately, with EasyJet's luggage constraints, I won't be bringing my 15" laptop where I can make Skype calls. And as much as I love technology and feel quite bothered that I won't have direct access to a personal device with internet access, I don't have extra money to spend on a getting a smartphone with a data plan or wifi feature.

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191 posts

Hi Marlene,

As much as I'm loathe to suggest this, you should call Rogers. More than once and make sure you get the same story...their customer service is less than stellar...I have a Motorola from Rogers and it worked fine in Greece, the UK and France, so the networks are ok, but I don't know about your phone, sorry.

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42 posts

Hi Marlene, on previous trips I have used a smartphone (Blackberry or iPhone) in Europe but I did use my Rogers triband phone once in the West Indies. It worked most of the time until one day it randomly switched carriers and stopped working for the rest of the trip. I would also recommend calling Rogers (and yes, more than once unfortunately because you always get a different story). I was on the phone with them last night 4 times about my voicemail and got a different answer each time, neither of which solved my problem but for some odd reason, once I got out of Paris while roaming it suddenly works again. Go figure!