How to get to the castle chateau de val in france? What are the transportation methods?
Looks like you'll need to rent a car.
Can taxi go to there and where can I take taxi?
Where are you starting from to get to Lanobre?
If you don't give your starting point it is hard to guess where it may be. No starting point means an impossibility to give an answer.
Is this from Quimper?
Yes is from quimper.
Train from Quimper to Ussel (closest town with a train station) is over 10 hours. It will require you to return to Paris Montparnasse, then take the 91 bus to Gare d'Austerlitz, continuing by IC train to Limoges, then a local TER train to Ussel. You can get a taxi from there to Chateau de Val.
Thank you so much!
I notice that you post your "how to get to" requests in General Europe. You may want to, if you have any more for locations in France, post them in the France forum. Also, just to be sure do you mean Chateau de Val or Chateau du Val.
If you mean Chateau de Val, from Quimper, you could take a train to Lanobre which would really be a train to Clermont-Ferrand followed by a SNCF bus from there to Lanobre. Then you would take a taxi from the train station to the Chateau. You'd have to do a Google search for the phone numbers of the taxis in Lanobre.
What is the meaning of "followed by a SNCF bus from there to Lanobre"? Thank you!
It is now ok that I understand this now, thank you so much!
How about the return from chateau de val to quimper? What is the travel way?