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How to get to/from Croatia

Does anyone have advice on the cheapest and quickest ways to get to/from Dubvronik and Split. Through all my travel planning this seems the hardest place to get to/from. Does anyone have specific advise on where to catch flights to and from to get here. I know there are ferries but they take a long time, trains are non exist, buses are ok. One of my other issues is that I'm not that interested in seeing places close by. Is also like to get to Dubvronik/Split and sail to Dubvronik/Split meaning I'd fly in and out of different cities.

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21414 posts

Dubrovnik and Krakow are the two places you can't get to from here. And not really sure where you are departing from. However, you can go to will show you all the arriving flights in Dubrovnik. You said you weren't interested in any other place in the immediate area. Not even the Bay of Kotor?

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21414 posts

Okay, so I was looking for a side trip to add on to my fall pilgrimage to Budapest and you made me curious about Dubrovnik and I noticed that the Serbian airline flew Belgrade to Dubrovnik and I already knew they also flew Belgrade to Budapest so it looks like if one wanted to they could fly into Dubrovnik and then move on to Budapest.

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334 posts

There are a handful of cities in Europe where you can fly directly to Dubrovnik. There are a few with direct flights to Split. Your best bet would probably be to check out the service offered by Croatia Airlines. If there is not a direct route, they will put you on a short connection to Zagreb and then on to your next destination.

The easiest way to get from Dubrovnik to Split is by ferry -- the trip is about 4 hours.

Trains are non-existent for Dubrovnik, but Split does have a sad, little train station with a daily train to Zagreb.

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1878 posts

Saying you can't get there from here pretty much hits the nail on the head. Well not entirely "can't" but they certainly don't make it easy. We visited both as stops on a cruise in 2011 and both were fantastic, as much as this is not the best way to visit a city we enjoyed them both a lot. Best would be to fly from another city in Europe, maybe even from Zagreb. I would probably plan to really slow it down and spend thee nights in each, really relax and slow down. Otherwise the hassle of getting there for one full day will not seem like time well spent. I'm not saying that there is that much to see in these cities, just as an experienced traveler I would choose to do it that way. I think the bus between the two would be a reasonable approach.

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47 posts

I've come up with some options, to get to Croatia I'm going to do a Busabout Tour as it goes some other places I want to visit along the way, 9 day Busabout Rhapsody tour Prague-Olomoc(1)-Krakow (2)-Zakopane(1)-Budapest (2), Plitvice (1)-Split. Then I'm going to stay a night in Split then sail Split to Dubvronik (8 nights including islands with Busabout), Stay a night in Dubvronik then I was planning to catch a ferry back to Split (4 hours as mentioned above) then catch a local overnight ferry to Venice which takes hours!! Since my next city I had on my plan after Venice was Vienna, someone suggested a flight from Dubvronik to Vienna. I thought it would take hours and be heaps expensive but it looks like if you are willing to pay and book in advance I could get a direct flight just an hour and a half Dubvronik to Vienna for about A$270(saving so much time, and means I don't need to go on an overnight Ferry by myself) , or a 6 hour flight with one stop for about A$180.
Another option was suggested to me is: from Split there is a bus to Zagreb (don't miss the Plitvice lakes) then train to Budapest, train to Bratislava, River boat to Vienna.
Does my plan seem logical?

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32417 posts

I'm not sure you'll be able to get both "cheapest and quickest", especially from Dubrovnik. I found last year that the quickest way to get out of Dubrovnik is a flight. Airline availability will depend on what time of year you'll be travelling, but Croatia Air seems to have frequent flights.

Rather than take the Ferry from Split to Dubrovnik, you could also travel by Bus.

Posted by
16895 posts

Your other thread implies that you've already worked this out. Otherwise, for ferries, Dubrovnik-Bari and Split-Ancona are the typical options, meeting up with better train service on the Italian side; see For flights, try; it will accommodate wider searches, such as from Croatia to Italy, as well as city to city.

Posted by
334 posts

from Split there is a bus to Zagreb (don't miss the Plitvice lakes)

There is a bus between the two, but it does not go by Plitvice Lakes. You'd need to take a bus from Split to Plitvice and then another from Plitvice to Zagreb. You'd have to be careful with the times if you're intending on leaving Split, exploring Plitvice, and going on to Zagreb all in the same day.