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How to deal with VRBO Landlord changing lease term at last minute.

I am scheduled to leave tomorrow morning for St Jean de Luz , France. i have signed a lease and paid in full for 2 weeks in a VRBO listed apartment. On Wednesday the landlord contacted me and said she had people who were wanting to come in for two weeks but 2 days overlapped me and i needed to leave 2 days early and how did i want to be reimbursed for those 2 days? I contacted VRBO who said they can not mediate. Any suggestions for how to convince landlord (who is American) that a signed lease binds the tenant AND the landlord? What leverage does one have after paying in full?

Posted by
1167 posts

You probably shouldn't do anything until you are actually in the apartment because otherwise you could get locked out. Once you are there you can just refuse to leave until your scheduled date. Alternatively you could demand reimbursement not for the days you have to leave early but for the cost of alternative accommodation if it is greater.

Posted by
10515 posts

Frankly, I'd take the reimbursement and go somewhere else for the last two days. Look at it this way, it frees you to do something diiferent. The less you have to deal with this landlord, the better. It's too bad VRBO doesn't have open feedback so others can be warned.

Posted by
11507 posts

Liz ,, PLEASE do go on tripadvisor and post the VRBO # and a warning, This is not the least bit funny , and they get away with this crap because they can . Honestly this is bull,, how can it even be legal? And please, why is your 2 week rental less important then the other persons. Strongly suggest you let others know about this particular listing,, this owner is a crook.

Posted by
524 posts

But if you are going to stay at the VRBO, then don't put the negative feedback until you get back home! You want to be sure you have a place for most of your agreed upon time.

Posted by
11507 posts

I agree with Bobbie, but its horrible and I am just so mad for you!

Posted by
10515 posts

Be sure you have your deposit back in your hands too before you write anything. I hope you can turn this into lemonade and forget these jerks quickly. San Sebastian or another place on the coast would be a nice two-day finale for your trip.

Posted by
7119 posts

What does the lease that you signed say about a situation like this? Does the lease state the first and last date of your occupation? If so, hold her to it. Let her reimburse the other people and let them find another place for two days. Are the two days your last two days and their first two days? I'd say you have precedence being there already when they come in - if that's the case. Definitely read everything in the lease. This really is a tough one. Just a reminder for anyone reading this and booking with VRBO, they do offer an insurance policy for the total amount of your payment and it's a very reasonable charge. I know it's too late for the OP but for anyone else I think it's advisable to take it.

Posted by
33467 posts

I agree completely with Nancy - read every word in the lease and try to make sense of it. When you find a clause you don't understand get legal help. Or just accept the compensation and move on.

Posted by
11507 posts

"accept the compensation and move on" not bad advice but PLUS still let people know which VRBO unit this was, its not fair to think others could have their holiday ruined and if they had a chance to read a review they may have made a better choice.

Posted by
156 posts

I just realized that you are on your way already. Agree with most everyone, especially about the concerns. I have rented many times with VRBO for Europe and within the US without problem, but obviously, one never knows. I would be curious to know if anything was specifically spelled out in your lease. The approach the landlord took with you just seems like a "no win" situation for her. Please post here when you get back and let us know how it got resolved. Asking you to move out and reimbursing you for the 2 days, does not seem like sufficient compensation in this situation.

Posted by
1170 posts

I agree with Pat about posting on TA. Also agree with those who say you do this after you get your deposit back! I don't understand why you should have to leave because someone need those days. You booked and paid First, not so? The audacity of this fool Person. I've had one unpleasant experience withy Paris stay in 2008. The owner lived
In Florida and was quite mean about everything. Good luck. Come back and share the experience.

Posted by
638 posts

If I had to guess, I think the people coming in are friends or family, or a slim possiblity of a frequent renter,not saying this is right, not even close, how many times have we all wanted to book something but it just wasn't available, our days overlapped when we looked at the availability calendar, I doubt anyone would even think of asking a manager/landlord to do this.

Posted by
2788 posts

I have read many posts on this web site from folks who have used VRBO with no problems. I, however, am not willing to pay for any stay more than a day or two (let along 2 weeks) in advance and in cash so that I have not used VRBO in my yearly travels in Europe. I have use a credit card for deposit many times and that gives me the opportunity to view the place to see that it is as advertised and if there is a problem (there never has been) I will walk out and find another place to stay. I certainly agree with others here who have said to
"not make any waves" until you get all your money back including any deposits. I would not only post on TA but relate the outcome (and the VRBO #) on this web site after all is said and done. I hope all works out for this traveler.

Posted by
156 posts

Wondering how this turned out. Please post a follow up when you get the chance.

Posted by
2 posts

Thank you for your kind words. It really knocked me for a loop to have the landlord announce 5 days before i was leaving that she was shortening my lease by two days. After i contacted VRBO, I got an email saying she had cancelled the other people who wanted to book and that she would honor the lease. I breathed a sigh of relief Then a day later, i got an email that she had CHANGED her mind and was kicking me out for the last two days BUT besides the refund she had paid for a hotel room for last two days of the lease. In the hurly burly of getting the loose ends of life tied up it was distressing to again have things up in the air. It also felt so unpleasant and high handed to be given ultimatums. I value the extra space of an apartment over the 4 walls of a hotel room plus i value not having to pack and unpack . That is why i used VRBO. However if i was going to have to pack up and take a 1/2 day of my vacation to deal with a move i would have preferred to get a hotel room in San Sebastian, which i was visiting by day trips from st jean de luz, anyway. That was why it felt so high handed for the landlord to unilaterally make decisions rather than talking with me about my vacations arrangements and what would work for me. It was hard to be mentally tough enough to shake kind of a bad feeling about the whole situation. So thanks for listening. And the good news is the apartment was lovely and the hotel room was not a dump, which i had worried about. But i do feel that the landlord's disregard for her written committment should be part of the record so other potential renters can decide if they want to take that risk. Should i post on VRBO ? Do they permit critical comments? i am not familiar with trip advisor - is that
the best idea? Thx,Liz

Posted by
11507 posts

Liz ,, I agree with you on everything. I agree that this was all wrong, not everyone would find a move for two days easy either, what if a family was renting, or seniors who found the move stressful etc? That is one problem with V R B O Vacation Rental By Owner, meaning ulitimately the owner is who you have to deal with and the "agency" is just a advertizing agency , they advertize, but have little real control over bad owners, except after awhile repeated complaints could make them a listing. No help to the indivudual really though at the time! Its the old "one bad apple can ruin the barrel" thing, but since the listings are numbered it IS a good idea to put it out on the internet as people frequently will google for VRBO reviews by entering just the listing number and the word "reviews" so that way they will read about them on all forums posted, not just on the VRBO which may or may not edit out bad reviews. I strongly suggest you put this post out on it is one of the most looked at travel forums.. not to be used exclusively, but many people cross check from various sites and ta is a great busy well used one!

Posted by
10545 posts

Liz, You CAN post a review on vrbo, and I suggest you do so. I gave a bad review for an apartment I rented in Paris. There were no bad reviews when I rented, but I checked reviews again after I arrived and was less than pleased with what I found. I found a more recent review that was very accurate for the conditions I encountered. The owner rebutted that review, just as he rebutted mine. At least people can read those reviews and decide for themselves if they want to rent a place. I think it is unexcusable that you were uprooted when you had an agreement. The owner should have put the other people up in the hotel until it was time for you to leave. Your reservation should have taken priority. I hope you had a good trip anyway!

Posted by
10545 posts

How do you post and/or look for an apartment review on Trip Advisor?

Posted by
11507 posts

Andrea you simply register( same as here) then you go to the forum you are interested in,, ( they divide their forums into individual countries, and even into cities. Right on the bar on the top right hand of page it says "write a review". Or better yet, you can go to "forums" , in this case one would choose France, then perhaps the sub of St Jean de Luz.. Then click on "ask a question" and then you can post your reveiw there, or of course ask your question. Hit post and viola its done. I was on tripadvisor before this forum and I hadn't been on a computer at all before that ( this was a few years ago, lol ) and tripadvisor. com is not more difficult to deal with then this forum... it has a few more features ( they have seperate forums for things like air travel or solo travel etc) but its just as easy to use.

Posted by
10545 posts

I am registered with TA and have submitted a few hotel reviews. I was not aware an apartment review could be done as well. I will look into that. Thanks!

Posted by
156 posts

Thanks for the update, Liz. I'm sorry it worked out this way. I agree with the others. I would put an unfavorable review on VRBO, Tripadvisor, and here. I didn't realize that VRBO allows owners to delete unfavorable reviews! Good to know.

Posted by
198 posts

Liz; Before you post a review you might want to read the Seattle Times story just published yesterday on the subject. The couple used VRBO to book a room and had a very bad experience. Depending on the wording of your contract, you may be fined for posted a negative review. In case this link doesn't work, look for the title "Vacation-rental agreemnt censors guests' online reviews"
Good luck.

Posted by
2267 posts

I'm hoping that you post reviews everywhere you can find. Those of us that rent through VBRO and other sources depend on those who have gone before for their insights. I used a VBRO rental 2 years ago in London and had the apt changed 3 days before we left. The apt. was fine, but because I posted that it had happened, others contacted me when they had the same thing happen to them as they were about to leave. On Trip Advisor, I think you have to post your review on the forum, unless you can find the apt in their rental section. I think their version was called "Turn Key" You might try googling the address and seeing what you come up with. Anyway, thanks for sharing this with all of us.

Posted by
676 posts

Liz, can you post the rental number here as well as TA? WEBMASTER-any chance of starting a new link for things like this? I'm not planning on going to St Jean de Luz anytime soon, but it would be nice to just click on a link and get negative info like this instead of searching...