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15195 posts

Thanks for article. It was interesting as were the comments.

I had to laugh at the one who had decided to share a room with a stranger who apparently was lacking in hygiene! That happened on a Road Scholar tour I took early on - I had a single supplement but she was roomed with another poor soul but all of us around her could tell she was not bathing. Yikes.

Posted by
3531 posts

Pam - I remember that story from a few years ago, but not who told it! I recall another story of a single who was assigned a roommate who spent her down time in their room naked!

If I ever take a RS tour solo (I'm looking at you Poland), I will definitely pay for a private room.

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9098 posts

A single supplement is like insurance to protect the investment you made in the tour fare! Thankfully tour companies don’t try to charge double for solos like many cruise companies do.