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How to avoid scrolling through a hundred posts on this website..

I have an old computer( toshiba , about 9 yrs old now) and just wondering if I am going to have to get a new computer since it doesn't have this "end" button I have seen mentioned to get to the last post on a long thread..
There is no "reply" button at top either.. I was going to post this on the webmasters thread, but frankly the though of scrolling through what 150 posts is just too much
Can this be fixed or am I just SOL?

Is it hard to put page numbers back.. or an "end of thread" button?

Posted by
530 posts

I am assuming you are using a PC and not a laptop. If your computer is still adequate for your needs just go purchase a new keyboard that has those keys, much cheaper option. Even if you are using a laptop you could invest in a keyboard that you plug into a USB port. But I agree scrolling down the entire page is annoying when using an iPad, smartphone, or some other tablet device.

Posted by
34165 posts

Point taken, Debra, but why should the USERS have to shell out money because the web designers removed a needed feature to "modernise" the website. Who do we all send the bill to? I find all this scrolling back and forth and clicking here and clicking there every time I want to scratch my eyebrow a royal pain in the &^%^.

Posted by
530 posts

I agree, I find it bothersome to scroll down 100's of posts, too. That is why I asked for a "to the top button". We have been told it is in future plans. I was just addressing the OP's question about maybe needing a new computer, now that would be quite an expense.

Posted by
4415 posts

Well, to return to the top of any page on an iPhone/Pad/Pod, just tap the very top bar - for instance:
iPad / 12:55 PM / 56% batt

Now, getting to the bottom is surely as simple, but I haven't needed to know badly enough to bother with the Genius Bar at the Apple store...Until then, I'll continue to flipflipflip and scrollscrollscroll to get to the bottom of the page.

I really like not having to click through several pages of a long thread; it's extremely rare for a thread to have anywhere near 150 posts, so I can live with the flipscroll.

Sorry, Pat - 'Home' and 'End' are all I've got for you :-( I think Rick owes you a new computer.

Posted by
32390 posts


I find that scrolling is reasonably quick using the Mouse. With a couple of long swipes on the Apple Mouse, I can quickly get to the bottom of just about any page. Of course that only works when using my desktop computer. The Laptop is a bit slower using a Trackpad, and using an iPhone is "painful" although tapping the top bar does work well for getting back to the top as Eileen mentioned. It's odd that Apple didn't provide a similar shortcut for getting to the bottom?

I'm sure a fix will be added to the Forum / Helpline in the near future.

Posted by
989 posts

" I'm sure a fix will be added to the Forum / Helpline in the near future "

The future is here now.

Posted by
4415 posts

Wow! Ask, and ye shall receive.

The future's soooo bright...well, you know...

Am I the only one having (too much) fun Jumping to the Top, then Jumping to the Bottom? No? Ummmm, OK then...

FWIW I just discovered that if I double-tap near the bottom of the page on my iPad, the page scrolls down several lines of text at a time. Better than nothing.

Continue jumping up and down...