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How precise are car rental times?

I know if I say I'm dropping it off at 5, I'd better be there by 5. But what about the rest?

If I have pickup for 9, what's the range? Can I get there by 9:30ish? What if I said I'd return it at 2 p.m. but get back into town at noon?

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23642 posts

Are you asking about Europe or US. The contract you sign controls. Often there will be an hourly charge for every hour late up to maybe four hours than the full day kicks in. Pickup is easier because they are aware of plane delays, etc., and it doesn't make a lot of difference because the car has been reserved for you. But if you are ten, twelve hours late then they may assume you are a no show. And returning is no problem, they love it.

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805 posts

Read your rental agreement as it depends on the company. Hertz, for example, will usually excuse up to 2 hours late but some other companies may not be so generous.

A good tip is always book your start and pick-up times at the same time of day (e.g. 9 AM pickup and dropoff) because, since you paid for a day you might as well give yourself a little extra slack time if you're late.