what was the longest time you spent travelling in europe? a week, a month? and where how many places did you go to?im planning on going for four months, travelling all over western ( with a little bit of eastern ) europe.
hi Shauna, my trip starts in september. too bad we couldn't have maybe caught up with eachother somewhere... but happy travels!
Larry, thanks! This is truly what i want to do. Since i am just graduating, i've decided that before i get myself into more years of school at college, that this is my time to do this. So, basically i have as long as i want to go for. And well september is both my birthday, and tourists settle down a bit from the summer, it seems like the best time for me to go. I want this to truly be, my experience of a lifetime.
brittany, The longest trip I've had so far is two months in four countries. I'd have to check my trip records to determine how many cities I visited.
As you're planning on travelling for a duration of four months, be sure you don't exceed the 3-month Schengen limit (especially now that some of the eastern countries have joined the E.U.).
I spent 8 months in Europe, but that was predominately work related in the Balkans.
For travel, I spent five and half weeks traveling across Europe from St. Petersburg to Vilnius to Warsaw to Krakow to Prague to Munich to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, to Interlaken, to Dijon to Amboise to Normandy and to Chartres, flying out of Charles de Gaul on the final day. Although there were a few long travel strecthes (St. Petersburg to Vilnius and Vilnius to Warsaw were particularly long), the trip never felt rushed. I spent as many as 5 nights in certain locations and as few as one night in Dijon and Chartres.
I lived in Salzburg, Austria for a semester of college (five months), traveling around Europe from there on weekends and various field trips. Then after school was out I spent three weeks in England before returning home.
We're traveling for 6 months beginning in February. 3 months only in the Schengen countries and then 3 months in Ireland and the UK.
I found having to plan travel for this long very difficult - it almost felt like picking random places without so much research would have ended up with just as exciting a result. Not sure yet.
Because we are traveling with kids, we've decided on 2 week stints at apartments mostly. So, for example, 2 weeks each in Paris, Perpignan, Barcelona, Seville, Venice, Tuscany, Dingle, Edinburgh, Bath, etc. etc.
Hope you have a dream trip!
Brittany, I've seen your other posts. You have quite an ambitious trip planned. 4 months should be great.
Hey Brittney.. I'm going to be travelling for 2 1/2 months from mid April to June .. when are you going?