(Warning - there are a couple of words in Very Clear English that may offend...but probably nothing you haven't already heard today, unfortunately.)
I followed a link to a You Tube video, and as usual saw this completely unrelated video listed with the other 'recommended videos'. So, I thought I would share it ;-)
How English sounds to non-English speakers
I've heard this conversation before:
Them: Hey, Eileen, you've studied French; what are they saying?
Me: Ummm...something about cheese...and fishing, or peaches, or sin - the words sound similar...I think someone died...and there was a rainbow?!? And 'closed'; I think something is closed...or is closing...ummm...
Edit: I completely forgot to include the -Germans trying to say 'squirrel'- video; it will explain the word 'skwerl' at the beginning of the first video ;-)