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How can American travelers take advantage of the cheap Euro?

With the Euro at its lowest against the dollar in a long time,
the typical RS two- or three- star hotel would cost about $10 less per night
and a splurge dinner out would have similar savings, at least compared
to what I was paying in gastronomique spots in Lyon and Marseilles this
past August.
But we're not there right now, we're here.
What can we do to take advantage of the current exchange rate if we won't be back on the Continent until the days have lengthened, lightened, and warmed?

Posted by
4637 posts

Exchange rate could be even better in summer. I would wait.

Posted by
2262 posts

Nothing. You can't do anything about it except spend money to go there so you can save money. Turn back around and look through the windscreen-you are looking at the rear view mirror ;-)

Posted by
2349 posts

"How can American travelers take advantage of the cheap Euro?"

You can start by buying her a drink.

Posted by
2081 posts


well, if youre the planning types and know where you are going, you can start making your reservations and paying for somethings now. However, its a crapshoot as to if it the Euro goes lower/higher or the US Dollar goes higher/lower you may still loose.

happy trails.

Posted by
15098 posts

Save now, scrape together what disposable income you can for when you want to go, say Feb or March or later, don't hesitate and go. The Euro may continue its downward slide until a point. For me it has gotten below where I want to see it, ie, below $1.24. It's at $1.18. In the pre-Euro days whenever the dollar reached a certain low point vis-a-vis the D-Mark, the Central Banks started to buy up dollars. We'll just have to see with the Euro.