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HOtel La Serre in Paris

I am having a problem finding a hotel. Has anyone stayed at the Hotel La Serre in Paris Rue Clar.
Thank you,

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9084 posts

What's your budget? I always stay at the Hotel Muget. Take a look at the Rick's Graffiti Wall on this website. Loads of recommendations for Paris hotels (and elsewhere) from travelers there.

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3313 posts

Look at reviews on Tripadvisor. La Serre has a horrible reputation. I stayed there five years ago but the same criticisms persist. The management is hostile. There are signs posted everywhere warning you not to bring food (at all - they wanted us to use the lobby to feed our infant daughter) into the rooms, noise, etc. Not unreasonable requests but just very demanding. The rooms are hit and miss as far as space and updating go.

Rick used to list it - the owner is the woman in his Rue Cler show that takes him on the market tour and sniffs the cheese. He dropped it a number of years ago without comment. But take a look at the Tripadvisor reviews and you'll see why.

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174 posts

From there website..

Hotel la Serre** Has no "King-Size beds" and no King-Size bathrooms" : we got rid of these royal accoutrements during the French revolution….
