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Hotel in Paris not responding!

I am trying to book the Hotel du Champ de Mars for May and there has been no response for over 3 days. I've obviously checked the address and have even resent it. Has anyone had this before. Isn't it unusual? Maybe they are away on holiday and close down the hotel. Any opionions or knowledge of this?

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11507 posts

Not unsual . Happens at with other hotels also. Serveral reasons.
Address is correct( make sure you are not going through an agnency) .
The guy or gal who reads english has a couple days off, so your email is just sitting there.
They ae figuring you are booking for May so whats a day or two more of waiting, LOL

Don't panic. I 've resent to the hotel I am using this time and they took three days to get back to me also.

Some hotels just don't respond when no rooms are available, this is a pain, as of course now you don't know whether to try another hotel or wait.
I just write another hotel, my second choice, since it is good to have a back up and if you haven't given them your CC its no big deal to cancel if your first choice responds in meantime.

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103 posts

Thanks Pat. I'll wait for a bit but get a second choice ready. Good to know!!

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711 posts

Hi Melanie... I have stayed at the Champ de Mars for over 10 years- love it! You need to understand that this hotel is usually booked 8-12 months in advance...really! I would be willing to bet that this is the case. Many European hotels do not respond if they are fully booked. This is a very small, wonderful , quite popular hotel. We just booked there for October and I think we got one of the last bigger rooms,which, by the way are very small.

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2092 posts

In early October I phoned to verify that the Champ de Mars had available rooms for us for May and then faxed my cc. This seems to always work; this time I even received an email confirmation...I was amazed! It's one of our favorites even without air conditioning when we're there in the summer. I was concerned that we wouldn't get in with only 7 months advance planning.

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4 posts

I've been having the exact same experience trying to book a room there for late April. I'm glad I read your posting and the others. I'm guessing they must be full, too bad. We'll know to book further in advance next time. Guess I better get busy looking elsewhere.

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1201 posts

some people in Europe have a slightly more laid back attitude to email than many North Americans do. As some have said, maybe there is only one English reader.

Try using one of the free web based translation services to ranslate your query and include the translation with your original english. If they have a fax try a two pronged approach of email and fax.

Posted by
359 posts

Hi Melanie; I had the same experience with the Champ de Mars and one of the posters' reasons probably applies. Tried Hotels Grand Leveque and Valadon Paris as well and while they had no rooms for May dates, they did reply and were very helpful, with the former referring me to the Muguet where we now have room booked -at greater expense but is a special trip so bit the bullet. Went through a similar experience for a small hotel I wanted in The Hague and finally called them. Turned out a lot of messages sent through their website email address are treated as Spam and not looked at or are eliminated. The phone call and a fax (with email confirmation via a different email address) worked and we now have the hotel booked. Good Luck

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479 posts

If hotels don't respond then I always look for another hotel. When you're flying across the pond and making a hotel reservation in advance, you want to feel like you can trust the people who run the hotel to be responsible about running their business. Thus, if they're offering a way to contact them via the internet and they don't maintain that, then you never know how well they're maintaining the rest of their hotel business.

Bottom line, if they don't respond, then look somewhere else.

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2092 posts

Interesting.....I have stayed at Champ de Mars for the last7 years (minimum 4 nights, maximum 6 nights at a time) and not once has anyone been rude. Only helpful, courteous, friendly yet professional.

Posted by
711 posts

I wanted to respond to the person who said the Gourdals at this hotel are rude. I have already responded to your question , but ,as I said , my husband and I have been traveling to Paris for over ten years and we have always stayed at this hotel. I find the Gourdals very kind ,nice, and interesting. They have always been friendly and courteous to us. To me , this hotel still keeps its "Frenchness", despite being full of Americans. This is a hard thing to do on the Rue Cler. French culture or rather custom is not to be chummy or act like your best friend on first meeting. They believe that over time one becomes friends after time and loyalty, etc. I admire that and I admire the Gourdals. No matter how early we have to make a reservation or how many emails or calls early in the morning I have to make to Stephane or Francoise I will always stay there. Ther may have been times when we thought of an apartment or a different place, but the price of the hotel and the price of their