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Hostel booking

How far in advance does everyone recommend booking a hostel? My trip is in March and looking for Prague. Also any good recommendations for the $15 and under hostels in Prague?

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119 posts

I am a planner, especially when it comes to knowing where I am sleeping at night, so I would probably start my research now and within the next month or two have booked a bed, just so I don't have to think about it. I use to find and research hostels, comparing reviews for the places I'm interested in on TripAdvisor. If the hostel has its own website, I prefer to book directly but usually it tends to just route you back to hostelworld (or at least it has in my experiences!)

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3398 posts

Prague is a very popular destination and hostels do fill up so I recommend booking as soon as you are able to. I don't know how experienced you are with staying in hostels but there is a HUGE range in quality. The Hostelling International organization has standards for their partner hostels and you will find that they are generally clean, well-run, and safe. Here are the three in Prague associated with them...Prague HI Hostels Staying at other hostels is an at-your-own-risk affair. Do your homework because you usually get what you pay for when it comes to lodging, especially with hostels! Trip Advisor and other forums are good for getting a realistic view of what you're signing up for so make use of them.

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8700 posts

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