I proposed to my (now) fiancée Carissa in May of 2009 and we will be getting married in May 2010! We are VERY excited not just about starting the rest of our lives together as ONE, but also about the incredible adventures we hope to have together. Our first BIG adventure after the walk down the aisle will be a trip to Europe for our two week honeymoon in the fall of 2010.
Carissa has never traveled outside of the United States. We want our honeymoon to be about US, and I want to fight the temptation and mental traps of reminiscing over my prior time in Europe while I journey, explore, and grow with Carissa on OUR trip. I want to rediscover Europe as I walk hand-in-hand with her. Of course, in two weeks’ time we can’t “see it all.” Heck, in two months or two lifetimes one cannot “see it all.” Instead, I want to focus our honeymoon on seeing as much as possible, while still leaving a reasonable buffer for relaxation. It’s a fine line to walk, I know, but I believe we can do it (with your help).
1 on Carissa’s list of “must see” places is Paris. That is, without a doubt, THE place she wants to experience firsthand for herself. After that, London and Florence would probably be the most important cities for her to see, we feel. Is there any reasonable way we can work a balanced trip from London, through Paris, and down to the heart of Italy throughout a two-week time period? What places (surrounding those major cities as well as along the path) would you suggest we add into our plans? We don’t want to rush ourselves out of any one location, but we do want to see as much as we can.
Thanks for your time!