Dear Frank, Frankly (no pun intended) I think you are suffering not from Forum burnout as one wise voice here surmised but of an all too common malady called “readittoopersonallyitis”.
When one states an opinion, backs it up with experience (sometimes long sometimes shorter) and makes a case for why THEY decided to do XXXX and then urges others to think about doing the same, this all too often gets mistaken for some reason as a Dictate.
To me this is exactly what this forum is about. Sharing of experience and making a good case for why one does something is meant to make others think about their situations. This place would be very boring without them.
Kaeleku makes some very good points. There are objective facts and experience does count especially in travel. After more than 40 years of traveling all over the world and living on 4 continents I now travel cheaper, smarter, safer and happier than I did when I started. That’s the benefit of experience.
Some posters never seem to read past the posts title. Titles are often crafted to get attention, But the entire post has to be read carefully. It is all too easy to read a post with a pre-set “tone” in ones head possibly set by the title. A tone the author never intended.
In a recent post I did (which I am sure you may be making reference to albeit obliquely since it is the type you listed first) I got the same. reaction from a few readers. A few took my comments as some kind of order or commmand. When in reality it was nothing of the sort.
Too much of the time I read reactions from readers on posts (not just my own) that seem to have missed the point to say nothing of the nuance of what was actually written.
When I read a post and I hear a negative tone in my head I always go back and re-read it again this time forcing my inner ear to do so in a more lighthearted tone.
Just to be clear...That is what I do...and why...I am not telling you to do it that way.
To me the best counter for someone who does make flat out declarative command type remarks is to carefully deconstruct their logic by offering your own counter experience thus giving balance to the discussion.