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history on the rick steves tours

my husband and son are big history buffs. I do not particularly want to go on a tour of world war battlefields but they would love it. I was wondering how much history is presented on the rick steves tours as sort of a possible compromise for a german tour. dorothy

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32324 posts

dorothy, ETBD have numerous tours covering much of Europe. Which particular tours are you interested in? Generally speaking, significant historic sites are covered on all of Rick's tours, and presentations are made either by the Lead Guide or local Guides. ¶ You could also consider covering some of the sites on a RS tour, and do more exploring on your own after the tour. ¶ If you could provide more specific information on what type of "battlefields" your husband and son are interested in, it would be easier to provide a more detailed reply. Cheers!

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5678 posts

Rick loves history. His tours definitely address the historical aspects of any place on the tour. You will also learn about the arts and other cultural aspects, but he truly adores history. ; ) If you have history buffs in your life then I think Rick's tours are good for you. You will have time to explore other aspects, ; ) PAm

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559 posts

Hi Dorothy, I also think it depends upon which particular RS tour you are talking about. For example, I went on a 'Villages' [Italy] tour and there was less history and more culture on that tour (although both were covered) than the Scotland tour I did (that one was more historical). I think the reason was that the 'Village' aspect type of tour was geared more toward the lifestyle of a particular region/country. So, you may want to call the RS offices (they have a 1-800 number) to ask for more specific advice. Good Luck!