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Hiking poles in luggage

I am wanting to travel carryon only to Greece, Switzerland and Germany but need hiking poles. Is this allowed on airlines?

Thanks for all your helpful responses. I don’t want to have issues with TSA but the complication is that we will be flying 3 times during our European stay … if I buy poles every time, it kinda adds up ( I do need them for hiking with my bad knees). Ah, well….🤷‍♀️

Posted by
2509 posts

Hiking poles are not allowed in carryon. You might be able to rent some at your destinations.

Posted by
1960 posts

Not allowed, but before I realized this we had already traveled with them in our carryon luggage multiple times without them being confiscated.

Posted by
1342 posts

I've had the same experience as Susan and Monte above. My poles break down and fold and apparently don't have the type of sharp metal tip on the end that sometimes gets flagged.

I've asked other hikers this question. One told me that he'd even discussed it with TSA and received the equivalent of a "non-answer".

Hiking poles are listed on the TSA website as disallowed in carry-on for the US.

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8702 posts

As Susan mentioned, some have gotten away with it, but you do take a risk every time you try that. It's much safer to just check your bag (or buy some in Europe).

Posted by
1134 posts

On a recent Rick Steves tour, a tour mate had a walking pole with a soft flat end that she put in her carry on. Not sure if that would be comparable to a hiking pole, but it was carry on acceptable.

Posted by
1960 posts

To add to what I said: I will continue to take them in my carryon because mine are cheap and if they were taken then so be it. Then I would have to buy some there, but if I didn't take them with me I'd have to buy some there anyway. Due to mobility issues, I do need them, but since they are true hiking poles, and not canes, I could still have them confiscated.

Another note, some places we have stayed have offered poles to the guests. So, you could always ask. Especially if you are staying in small hotels or BnB's.

Posted by
1762 posts

I just bought a set of collapsing hiking poles at Lidl for 12 Euro. Why haul a set across the ocean?

Posted by
772 posts

I've seen lots of people get their poles confiscated at the airport. It all depends on the airport and even the particular TSA agent on duty. I've rented hiking poles in Switzerland, and found where I could buy cheap ones in Portugal. It's not worth the brain damage to me to worry about airport security.

Posted by
1268 posts

KGC, because some people are use to their expensive lightweight carbon poles. Personally, I plan on buying some in Switzerland this summer because we do carryon and I have no desire for any kind of confrontation with security here or abroad, it’s not healthy and doesn’t make for a pleasant trip. Years ago security found a small Swiss army knife down in the bottom of my large hiking pack. You would have thought I was attempting to potentially terrorize the whole airport.

Posted by
1986 posts

I bought carbon poles at a sporting goods store in Melk for 40 euro. Good quality light alu in the Seis gondola station for 25.

Just buy some in Europe.

Posted by
9096 posts

Community Guidelines. “Do not help people break laws”

TSA does not allow hiking poles in carry ons. Options that are legal are checking them in luggage or obtaining them at the location through borrowing, buying, or renting.

You mention inter-Europe flights. I have no knowledge about whether those countries have the same security requirements as TSA. You may want to do more research on that.

My choice would be to check bag. In fact, that is what I do when I bring poles.

Posted by
1401 posts

Hi bentdi -

Or you could buy a hiking trekking pole transit bag and check that in. Available I believe from that nice Mr Amazon chap, who seems to give you options. Then check that in and retain your carry on bag, even if it’s only for the European and homeward leg having got a pair of Lidl (other brands are available!) poles once in Europe. I realise that it kind of detracts from the smooth, non-stick carry on experience, but it is one way round it without raising the ire of TSA and/or the European Airport Security Agents, who I believe follow exactly the same line re poles.

And…. I don’t know which airlines you are travelling with in Europe but check your carry on fits with each airline’s requirements. Ryanair only allows you something the size of a knotted handkerchief as carry on in comparison to the ‘state’ airlines and they will charge you a swingeing fee if you haven’t pre booked a check in bag online in advance - it’s why they are not well liked in general. Same goes for the likes of EasyJet and Wizz, for instance, although they aren’t quite as blatant. If you end up having to check in your bag anyway it makes the poles query redundant!

Have a great trip!
