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Hiking Eastern Europe (Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, etc.)

Hey, looking for advice on hiking in Eastern Europe in May. I'm a solo female traveler and haven't found a ton of information on the internet regarding hiking solo in this region so looking for personal experiences and tips. Is it easy to do alone? Do I need to plan ahead or can I show up in a region and easily do some hiking? I have traveled solo quite a bit so I am not to worried about it, more worried about being able to get to hiking destinations easily and how safe it is once I'm out on the trails if I do end up alone. Often you'll meet people along the way, but if by the off chance I don't, I'd like to be prepared. I've found lots of information, but none on solo travel. I just don't want to show up in these countries and find that it is difficult, or even impossible, to do alone. TIA!

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check out the group on Facebook - Travel to Eastern Europe, the Balkans and former USSR. Think they would have a lot of info for you. The head of the group also has a blog- My Have enjoyed reading both.