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hey rick

I sent a question to rick, weeks ago-no response re whether he had asked hotels etc to honour his travel e-books for discounts anyone tried this this

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32324 posts

ken, I've never tried sending a note directly to Rick, as he's usually too busy to answer all E-mails in a timely manner. He's in Europe at the moment doing Guidebook research and filming, so his staff likely "filter" E-mails to ensure that the doesn't get "swamped". When he's not in Europe, he's often travelling for guest appearances, PBS Pledge drives or travel shows. You may get an answer eventually, but if you want a response soon, I'd probably try a phone call to ETBD. Cheers!

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4412 posts

You and I have discussed this - I'd think that if they're going to honor a paper book, they'd honor an ebook. I don't see a difference...Of course, some promise to honor a discount, then don't...

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629 posts

Anytime that we have informed a B&B or Hotel that we found their place in a RS guidebook - we have been automatically given a discount. Nobody has ever asked us for any evidence of this. I really don't think that Rick has the time to reply to personal emails or if he even reads this Helpline?

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4412 posts

There are several email addresses on the "Contact Us" page; I've used them for questions, and this question is as good as any. I might have expected a quick 'gosh, good question!' response from them, but I think this question is really unanswerable by them...or anyone...