Thanks to everyone for all of the great help and information you have given us in planning our trip. Husband and I are all packed - each of us taking a 21" roller. Now we're just sitting here - waiting to go to the airport! Still haven't decided if we'll check them or carry them on. He wants to check - I want to carry on. Egads - it's already beginning :)
I just finished vacuuming - he thinks I'm crazy - guess it's a "woman thing". I've repacked three times - he packed once last night, zipped it up and he's all set!
Last year we traveled with three close friends. All went well, but it certainly will be different with just the two of us. It's only our second trip to Europe. Will be gone 13 days. Don't know if any of you have seen the show the Amazing Race, but we'll probably be the couple who are always lost - even with a map in our hand.
But - not to worry - there will be enough beer and wine to get us through it!
Thanks again.