I really, really, really like posting on here, because I know I can give people accurate information about Germany, Frankfurt specifically, as well as a few other places I have traveled to in Europe. My perspective is different than a regular tourist, and sometimes I can answer questions about culture, trains, food, etc.
Honestly though, the fun is gone. Having to wade through posting after posting of 2nd hand information that comes from 100's of links takes the fun out of this forum. The occasional link is great and useful, but when it is simply opinions about subjects, their usefulness becomes a detriment to the forum. This forum is supposed to be all of us sharing our travel experiences, not how well we can Google.
WEBMASTER EDIT (apology to Jo for hijacking this)
Since this has been a bit of a theme, and there is not a question posed here, I will pose one. It is time for an open discussion. I will do my best to guide this discussion. ANY BITTERNESS OR NEGATIVITY ON THIS THREAD WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND WILL BE DELETED.
The issue at play is about how and what information is posted. I have my own opinions, but it is best that everyone respectfully get all issues out in the air so that all issues can be addressed.
Question: What is the best way to move forward in terms of what will make everyone respect each other? This is in reference to the concepts of editing posts, and posting info based on research vs experience.