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help on VAT refund

Hi I will be leaving Europe from Rome but my flight is such that I will have to stopover/transit in London (for about 1 hr) before leaving the EU. Does anyone know if I should claim VAT refund in Rome or in London? If it is in London, is it possible to claim the VAT refund from the transit areas in the airport?

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1178 posts

Most likely you need to submit the claim in Rome = where the products are purchased.

Posted by
2876 posts

No, you don't have to apply for your VAT refund in the same country where you made your purchases. You can apply in whatever EU country you make your last stop before returning to the U.S. Be aware that each EU country has its own VAT rates and refund rules, so be sure to study these before your trip.

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2799 posts

You will need to get a VAT form from each retailer where you make a purchase in order to get your VAT refund.

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884 posts

An hour in London may not be enough time to get your refund. Why not do it in Rome where you can get to the airport early enough to take care of it. Also, in Rome you would get euros and in London you would get pounds (they'll convert for you).

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3635 posts

I believe that you have to have your forms stamped in the airport from which you leave the EU. (Someone correct me, if I'm wrong about that.) You also have to be ready to show the merchandise, though that is sometimes not requested. After getting the requisite stamp, you can submit the forms by mail, if you need to, rather than waiting for on the spot cash.

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2297 posts

I would claim the VAT refund in Rome. Most likely you're checking your luggage through to your final destination. So you won't have it with you in London. But when claiming your VAT refund you have to be able to show the items purchased (most of the time I've only been asked to show the suitcase, not the content). You wouldn't be able to do that in transit.

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1986 posts

Yes: you must be prepared to show you are taking the purchases out of the country (EU?). best suggestion is to claim it before you check in for your first flight. Allow extra time

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1170 posts

I wish you better luck with that than I had! We travelled to England in July and went through the hassles of having our receipts and everything for a VAT refund at the airport. They took our receipts and passport information and told us we would be getting our refund on the same CC we used! NOT. We have checked our account every month and still NADA. Not going to even bother next time I travel.

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3635 posts

One time I also had the experience Eli had, never receiving the refund after dropping off the forms. However, I've also had the experience of it arriving many months later. If the time of day is right, you can usually get a cash refund on the spot. The drawback is that the company which handles these matters takes a cut. Still, I'm of the mind that a bird in hand . . .

Posted by
2799 posts

The VAT is 20% in Italy and you will need to spend the minimum of €155 before you can get a refund. Like others have said it would be better for you to do it in Rome..sometimes you have to show what you have bought. @Eli, it took six months for my credit to show up on the statement and this was from the UK

Posted by
358 posts

I have never had any problem with the VAT refund. As long as the paper work is properly filled out by the store and you show the item to the person behind the counter should be no problem. Just be sure you deposit the sealed envelope in the mail box. I have always been instructed to do the VAT refund at the first airport you are flying from.