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Help on Itinerary suggestions

On a previous post , I asked the question regarding ' The sequence of itinerary'. My first choice was London- Venice and Praque. A few suggested that my itinerary are quite apart from each other and I will be spending time with the travel from one place to another. It gets me thinking ,Should I change my itinerary ? My daughter will be going to College this Fall and she wants to go back to London. I figured once she started college ,it might not be easy to schedule time for a trip .I have never been to Prague and have always want to . We were in Venice 10 years ago. Should I add another place to replace Venice ? I am so confused now so I can't book our 2 weeks trip yet.

We have been to Europe a few times and we have always done 3 countries in 2 weeks . Don't get me wrong, I love Venice and would love to go back one day. There are just so many places to go to in Europe and not enough time or $.


Posted by
735 posts

Sorry , I mistakenly posted question twice. I couldn't seem to find the word ' Submit post'. Instead the word ' Create a new topic' came up. I am not sure how to delete the duplicate question . Can someone help me do it ? Thanks

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833 posts

I think you can fit those three cities into two weeks without problem, I would just recommend flying between them (rather than taking the train if you were thinking about it). One idea would be to fly into Venice, spend 3 nights and then fly to Prague (unfortunately looks as if you will have to connect through another city, such as Amsterdam or Paris - I plugged in a random date to Skyscanner to check out flights/pricing), then fly from Prague to London which looks rather cheap and direct. Purchase open-jaw tickets (SFO to Venice, London to SFO) and then buy the European flights separately.
So, something like
- Day 1: arrive in Venice
- Day 4: Fly to Prague
- Day 8/9: Fly to London
- Day 14: Depart London
Others may have other suggestions! I think those three cities are doable if you'd like. On the other hand, you could switch a different European city out for Venice and have a lovely trip too.

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4637 posts

You got just two weeks. To avoid blurry memory of the trip I would do 1 week London and one week Prague plus day trips: Karlstejn, Krivoklat, Konopiste and maybe Cesky Krumlov (that I would recommend overnight, it's about three hours one way from Prague).

Posted by
735 posts

Thanks , I realize that it is doable but will certainly cut down on our 2 weeks time. I am seriously deciding on London- Prague and maybe Vienna .