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Help! Name on ticket missing a letter.

My name on my ticket is missing a letter - it says Steve instead of the Steven on my passport. Apparently getting this changed by the booking travel agency (Vayama) takes a while, and I travel tomorrow.

Is this even an issue? Lady at United thought prolly no problem in US going to Amsterdam, but maaybe an issue in Berlin coming home (since they don't know Steve is short for Steven. But then I just talked to someone at Berlin airport and she said they could change it at the counter but there would be a 30 euro fee. I'm confused - any advice/experience welcome. Help!

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2702 posts

I would not worry about it,very much doubt it would be picked up and as long as the surname is correct you will be fine.

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6113 posts

They have the right to refuse you onboard if the names don't tally. Your risk.

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8889 posts

I don't see anybody at Berlin airport not knowing that Steve and Steven are the same.

The Germans have enough trouble with names like for example Müller (the most common German surname). Many foreign (non-German) airline websites will not accept the letter ü, so they enter the name as Mueller - the correct alternative according to German spelling rules. Then they get to some airport in the USA to fly back and get queried because it says Müller on the passport and Mueller on the ticket.

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513 posts

It is probably not a problem. I have travelled frequently with tickets made out to Jack, although on my passport it is John. W.

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2931 posts

Recently had my middle-name merged onto my first name. Not an issue.

Also in advance inadvertently entered my wife's passport number with two numbers transposed to the airline, easily fixed at check-in.

Posted by
23727 posts

Sam W might be a problem but Steve or Steven is not. The last name needs to be accurate to the letter unless very obvious for the difference. From time to time I have had the k dropped on my first name - Fran instead of Frank. I think it is a computer thing. No need to worry.

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3398 posts

I have an unusual last name where the letters D and O are often switched and it hasn't been an issue.