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Help ! leaving soon and need to do blood work while gone

I was just told by my doctor that If I am out of the country longer than 10 days I need to find a lab for blood work and see a hemotologist !! I will be in Vienna. ANY suggetions about I can figure this out before I leave for Munich on Sept. 3rd. HELP !! Mary Ann

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23549 posts

Ask your hotel. Most hotels will have a list of English speaking doctors. Often the specialty will have an international organization and a list of their doctors around the world. Ask the hemotologist.

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1358 posts

I have to do blood work; so I would go to the local Tourist Information Office and ask for help finding an English speaking doctor if your hotel cant help you.

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9145 posts

The best place to get a list of English speaking doctors is the American Consulate or Embassy in Austria. You can pull that list up now, before you even go.

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33469 posts

Have you asked your doctor for a referral from his/her bank of international colleauges.

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241 posts

Get your doctor to refer you direct (ie prearrange in USA before you go to Europe). If it's a complex problem your doctor will need to speak to the European doctor to interpret data and advise best management. Doubt this will be a problem - just let the doctors sort it out (I know, I'm one - in Europe!)
Susan :0)

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9109 posts

This exact thing happened when I traveled with my father, when I traveled with him overseas many years ago. We first asked the hotel if they knew of any blood labs (they didn't), but told us to ask at the pharmacy down the block, and they did give the locations for a couple labs. In addition your travel insurance company can give you some leads as well.

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5 posts

Thanks to all of you who responded. Unfortunately I was not able to get it all figured out with the medical personnel and we did cancel our flights at this time. But with your ideas and suggestions I will be better able to plan ahead next time to know about resources like the international list of doctor's and where to go to get information. Time was just part of the issue .Mary Ann