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HELP - How to pack "light" to travel in winter , eg. January.

Need to hear from winter travellers how to pack those "light" stuff that Rick talks about. My rollon brought on Rick's website is not large enough; it cannot take even half of my winter stuff. (3 light cardigans, 1 med size thick shawl, 2 slacks, etc. already filled the roll on. My shoes at not included - yet. Where am I going to put all necessary winter attire which I have still paried down to the minimum! There is no way.
HELP..I am frustrated. Yet I want to travel light. ANY SUGGESTIONS WILL BE HELPFUL.

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2092 posts

In 2001 I spent 3 weeks in France and managed by taking a Convertible Backpack and a Civita Day Pack. I wore 1 pair of wool packs and packed a pair; wore a pair of Dansko clogs and packed a pair of boots (soft & folded over easily so easy to pack). Took 3 turtle necks, wore 1 & took cardigan in day pack, wore coat. Between Convertible and Civita, I managed somehow!

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1152 posts

Just so there aren't two message threads on the same subject, here is the other thread Constance started: Packing light for January UK and Paris trips. If I might, I suggest everyone just post replies in that thread.

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158 posts

last year i split two weeks in rome and switzerland over christmas and new year's. i traveled carry-on only. i took one pair of shoes (a pair waterproof hiking shoes), a thick fleece with a lining, a hoodie, a fleece cap, gloves, a pair of corduroys, two pair of cotton material pants (these were very light weight), two pair of long underwear bottoms, three long-sleeve t-shirts, a couple short sleeve shirts, 3 pairs of underwear, 4-5 pairs of thick socks. a super light, wind-proof, water-proof shell. i think that's everything. when the weather was in the 40's in rome, i just wore the hoodie and pants. when the temp in switzerland was 25 degrees for the high, i added layers. when we went sledding in switzerland, i loaded up. my wife probably could have gone carry-on only, as well, but she was pregnant, so i didn't push the issue. she told me while we were there that she thought she really could have and should have done the same. i never felt too cold or under prepared.

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818 posts

how long are you going for? I seriously see no need for three cardigans and a shawl. That seems like overkill. We only go for a week at a time but three of us share two small (carry-on) duffle bags. Wear heaviest pants, sweater, and shoes/boots on the plane. I pack a long skirt (something which can be rolled up and shoved in a bag and matched with a sweater and my boots - also skirts can be dressed up or down with a silk scarf - which takes no packing space. Also, look at those packing cubes - they can be huge space savers.