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Help find Amsterdam Local inexpensive cafes near museums

My daughter is 20yrs old and with a group of boys and girls taking a weekend trip to Amsterdam.They have been a little alarmed on how expensive things are. They plan to go the Museums tomorrow and I wanted to suggest a cafe. Food can be simple as long is tasty and inexpensive. Any help would be great!!!! Thanks a Mother tired of being the ATM.

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693 posts

According to the Rijksmuseum website, Cafe Cobra (5 minute walk away) gives a 15% discount on any menu item if you show your entrance ticket to the museum.

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875 posts

If the Cobra Cafe is still there & in business, I certainly recommend it. We really enjoyed the food, atmosphere and great service [INVALID] but we were there in 2007.

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1976 posts

Yes, Cafe Cobra is still there. I wish my parents were as generous as you! :) After my second trip to Italy in 2001 when I was 20, my parents informed me that they would no longer be paying for my trips (international and domestic) - I guess they saw that this would become a lifestyle! Since then, I've saved my money and paid for every trip because it's my passion to travel.