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Help! Expiring Passport

My son and his wife are planning to travel to Rome departing this Tuesday, July 18, and returning one week later. A few hours ago he discovered his passport expires on August 20 this year, not even close to the six months after scheduled departure from Italy. He's already made a personal appointment in Seattle for 12 noon tomorrow. Will they issue a renewal right away? Other than check your passport expiration date earlier, are there any suggestions for him you folks have. Any other steps he can take right now? Any other way to get help tomorrow/Monday the 17th?

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2163 posts

Hi Galen, I'm sure you're worried for your son but there's not much he can do until tomorrow. Guess I'd start thinking about a back-up plan -- what can be cancelled/rescheduled if he can't get a new passport tomorrow? Does he have trip insurance? Some policies have "cancel for any reason" provisions. Good luck!

Posted by
707 posts

Thanks everyone.

Donna, we have talked about a back-up plan. The trip was a package (air and hotel) from an online travel agency, so we'll see how that goes. They have trip insurance, but it doesn't include "cancel for any reason." Too bad.

joe, he and I both went to that gov't site first. Thanks.

Kaeleku, that's good advice. Thanks.

Posted by
380 posts

I'm fairly sure they'll issue him a new passport at his appointment tomorrow.

A few years ago, I decided to book a trip to Paris on about 4 weeks notice and then realized I would have to update my passport before I left, as it still carried my married name. I think I went to the passport office as a walk in and was able to pick up my new passport the next day.

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707 posts

Good morning. My son got in line a little after 8AM at the passport office in Seattle instead of waiting for his appointment at noon. He had the necessary paper work and was promised a new passport by 3PM this afternoon. Then he has the 4 hour drive back home to finish packing for the 6:20AM flight tomorrow. He says the folks in Seattle were wonderful and eager to help. That's good to hear about our gov't officials. Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement. Cheers

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2166 posts

Always good to hear when things work out nicely :) He was smart to arrive early, too.
Safe travels to him!!

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16895 posts

It doesn't have to be a life or death emergency. Since he fell into the category of "traveling in 2 or 3 weeks," he qualified to make the appointment at the Seattle office. Those of us within a drivable range of a Passport Agency or Center are lucky to have that option and the number of centers is now over 2 dozen.

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14895 posts

Excellent news! I hope he'll have a wonderful time and thanks for updating us.

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2163 posts

Hi Galen, that's great news. Glad everything worked out for your son! Happy travels πŸ‘πŸ™‚