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Health Science Education Tours

I am a health occupations teacher and I am working on an educational grant so I may travel to Europe. I had exchange students from Berlin, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Brussels, and Tallin in the past, so I prefer those cities so I might drop in on them for a visit. My question is does anyone know of health occupation schools (ex:nursing schools, dental schools, EMT training centers), pharmaceutical or medical equipment, hospitals, research laboratories, blood banks or medical museums that I might tour? There is a grant to travel if I can create an agenda around my subject teaching area.

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33452 posts

Marguerite The wonderful tool Google on the Internet can be your friend. I could do it for you but then I'd have to type all the results in. Try googling the name of each town with each of the terms you are searching for in the language of each country. If you don't know the translation you can try and translate into dozens of languages.

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Not sure if it really fits in, but to me it sounds similar.....go see the Ice Man in Bolzano. Everyone we know who has been loves it, so incredible!

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12040 posts

Some of the major medical education centers in the Dutch-speaking world are Leuven and Ghent in Belgium, Maastricht, Utrecht and Nijmegen in the Netherlands.

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337 posts

Well, here in Berlin there is this little hospital called Charité, and its associated Museum of Medical History...