Hi! Does anyone know where to buy stretchy headrest covers for use in planes and trains? Thanks. Kathleen.
Perry - that link didn't work for me.
cooler908 - since sizes and shapes of headrests vary considerably - from plane to plane and from train to train - you might want to reconsider this and look for something to wear on your head, instead. To my knowledge, there is no "one-size-fits-all" headrest cover. A nice scarf or hat would be all you'd need, and if you're really concerned, bring along some disposable shower caps to wear underneath them.
How about a scarf or bandana?
Thanks for replies. I used to have a stretchy fabric headrest cover and accidentally left it on a train. Can't remember where I got it. I suspect that it's no longer made as my web search (as suggested by one respondent) didn't turn up anything similar, although there are some products that might work. At any rate, thank you all. Kathleen.