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Have you noticed the additions to Helpline Tips & Tricks?

I've noticed the additions to the Helpline Tips & Tricks. Very helpful.

Posted by
32324 posts

Kent, No, I didn't notice. Are those listed in the "Community Guidelines", regarding formatting, etc.? I did notice those. Cheers!

Posted by
10344 posts

Format Your Post has been added in the last week - that's the main change. I found the 2 examples of different URL linking instructions to be especially helpful. In addition to the above, I think Tips and Tricks has received at least a minor upgrade: at least, the FAQ and Search the Helpline Archives links seem more noticeable. And it may be that those new to the forum are more frequently noticing the FAQ and Search sections, since we seem to be getting somewhat fewer repetitive questions than, say, a year or two ago.

Posted by
16053 posts

I just realized noticed that the first two posters are the top two most frequent posters. And: Kent has been surpassed as the most frequent poster I would like to learn how to do all that stuff....I wonder where I can find a link to the Helpline Tips and Tricks Page

Posted by
9369 posts

I love the example sentence in the part about posting links. Something along the lines of "if someone wanted links from Google, they would go to Google".

Posted by
16053 posts

The entire phrase says a lot: Sharing my travel experience with other travelers on the Helpline is more valuable than giving someone a link I found on Google. If Helpline members wanted something from Google, they'd just use Google. I wonder if he who shall not be named was forced to write the above out 500 times as punishment?

Posted by
9110 posts

'I wonder if he who shall not be named was forced to write' . . . . or if it was written because of he who shall not be named. In any case it should be splattered on the login page so one would be forced to see it all the time. I hate links for the sake of links.

Posted by
10545 posts

I wonder what name "he who shall not be named" will come back as next??

Posted by
4412 posts

"If Helpline members wanted something from Google, they'd just use Google." Is that a hint ;-) EXCEPT for ALL of those asking questions that would be answered by a simple Google 'does anyone know of any company that ships Belgian chocolates to the USA?'. I recall at least two people asking that very question in the last year or so...Since I had already wondered about that (years earlier), I performed a Google search and sure enough, 'my' chocolate company popped up - FIRST on the list of results...I figured if they couldn't perform the same search, they possibly couldn't handle the shipping form, so I didn't clue them in. Guess that makes me bad. HELPFUL Google links - great. Google links for the sake of posting something - not great. Google links that don't come close to answering the OP's question - Oy. And thanks, Kent - I hadn't noticed the new goodies yet, but I've been busy with the Dysfunctional Family Holiday Tour 2010 lately...Much to everyone's great collective groan, someday I'll learn how to do all of those neat-o things. You've been warned. Just think - Happy Smiley Faces in violet...ahhhhhh...

Posted by
16053 posts

"If Helpline members wanted something from Google, they'd just use Google." Eileen, I think that line was our illustrious webmaster's dig at someone we used to know and love.

Posted by
976 posts

Mmm, my apologies, I'm guilty of posting a google link on another thread ( without using the new help in properly formatting it as a link); sorry all. I don't understand why people don't google first but maybe you all are too nice to mention it.

Posted by
3313 posts

Melissa - Don't worry about it. It's just a sensitive issue around here and really only has to do with one former member. Google is very helpful for locating precise information applicable to the questions posted here. But there is a good rule that comes from Neil on "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" and I'll paraphrase: "When you place a link from Google, HAVE A POINT! It makes it so much more interesting for the reader!"