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Have last minute opportunity to travel with grown daughter this August

What have been your most fun and reasonably comfortable trips in August? Thanks!We would like to take a train perhaps any or combined of the following: switzerland, france, spain, portugal which would be scenic. We are nature lovers and she has always wanted to see sunflower fields. Half or quarter day walking excursions are good for us, we love art, music, theater, and dance.

Posted by
9110 posts

Manchuria, if you don't mind the bugs.

If that wasn't the answer you wanted, give us a bit more of a clue. :)

Posted by
78 posts

Last august we spent a week and a half in France, a week in Belgium and a week in Amsterdam. All of them were 'busy' but not crazy. I LOVE Paris, it's such a quintessential European city and all you need to do is sit in a café on a sidewalk sipping wine or coffee and you feel like you've really done something, or nothing... which is the best part!

I also love Amsterdam but we have a lot of family in Holland so I'm particularily biased. We rented an apartment in the south of France (Cassis) for a week and it was so beautiful and relaxing - don't know what's available on such short notice but it never hurts to look.

Have fun!

Posted by
3428 posts

The Highlands of Scotland are great in August (just avoid Edinburgh due to the Festival). So is the Snowdonia area of Wales. Austria is also good in August- though Salzburg can be a problem due to festival.

Posted by
23557 posts

I would try for as far north as I could go at that time of years -- Sweden, Denmark, etc.

Posted by
1633 posts

As others have said, August can be hot and humid, just like the states, depending on where you go. What do the two of you enjoy doing/seeing? If it's museums, plays, and lots of sightseeing rich in history, then I would consider London and Paris. If it's hiking, nature and relaxation, then the Swiss Alps (Berner Oberland), Austria and southern Germany. Tell us what you like so we can help you further.

Posted by
17233 posts

Luzern has a summer music festival beginning August 12:

You could combine that with a visit to the beautiful alpine areas of Switzerland, and then drop down into Italy for opera (or other performance) in the Roman area at Verona (we saw Aida there and it was fantastic).

We saw fields of sunflowers from the train somewhere near Verona when we were there at the end of June---I'm not sure they would still be in bloom in August---maybe just dried up seedheads?

It will be hot and humid in most of the places you mention, expept for the alpine region of Switzerland. But we found Italy to be quite tolerable right into the 90's (Fahrenheit), except for the cities like Milan and Florence which seem to trap the heat. Maybe focus on smaller rural areas.

Another place to consider adding to Switzerland might be the smaller towns of the French Riviera. I know Rick mentions a wonderful Picasso museum somewhere in that area.