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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all on this Forum.

I'm thankful for friends, including the "virtual" friends here, and for all the great folks we've met traveling the last 8 years. Happy travels!

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219 posts

I am so thankful for the wonderful people on this forum who generously share so much information.

Posted by
11613 posts

Happy Thanksgiving, thankful for being able to share an interest in travel and in becoming aware of what the world needs of us.

Posted by
32249 posts

I'd also like to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone on the forum.

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33161 posts

So many people here have brightened my year, for which I am thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving to all (a bit late for our Canadian friends)

Posted by
529 posts

Happy Thanksgiving to you and Stan. Of course, to all the helpful forum members, too!

Posted by
2529 posts

Indeed, happy Thanksgiving to all as we have so much to be thankful for including an obsession with travel to Europe and the means to make it happen.

Posted by
991 posts

Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for the wealth of knowledge on this forum and the many people who take the time to share it!

Posted by
2880 posts

Happy Thanksgiving to all you wonderful and helpful people. I learned so much from you all.

Posted by
2124 posts

Jane and all other readers,

Enjoy a safe a joyous Thanksgiving.

The table is set, the turkey is in the oven, and I'm doing what I do whenever I need a little escape..............clicking on the Forum to see what's up in the world of travel :) Thank you all for being there :)

We all have so very much for which to be thankful, and I always tell myself (no matter what is happening in my life): there are millions of people who would trade places and problems with any one of us.

May the holiday season be a happy, safe, and peaceful one for each of you!

Posted by
6364 posts

Hi, Debra! Kim told me you two have been in touch. Happy T-day to you and Wayne, as well. We need to travel together again some time.

Posted by
529 posts

I agree! I thought we might be with Kim and her husband, but we booked different week for our Ireland tour.

Posted by
5258 posts

Thanks Jane for starting this thread!

I’m grateful for this amazing forum. I’ve learned so much about traveling and I’m blessed for the friendships I’ve made here.

Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you!