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Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm up first (Ha!) and want to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving, no matter where in the world you might be. A day with family and friends, a day to reflect on what we are grateful for in our lives.

If you are traveling overseas and in a large city, you may even find restaurants and hotels offering a traditional turkey menu if the thought of missing out on turkey and mashed potatoes makes you sad. I know of 3 places in little old Frankfurt that do.

Posted by
2252 posts

Thank you, Ms. Jo, and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours also. And to all the others who visit this forum.

Posted by
997 posts

Happy Thanksgiving Ms. Jo and all! I am thankful for the great tips I get all the time just from reading this forum, and for the great airfare I just got this week for my trip to Germany and France next year.

Posted by
7114 posts

Thanks Ms Jo, and the same to you and your family. Wishing everyone here and at Rick Steve's Europe a Happy Thanksgiving. Hope we can all give thanks for all the good things in our lives (like travel) and let go of the bad or unwanted things. Lets make this world a better place this holiday season.

Posted by
5286 posts

Happy Thanksgiving to you Ms. Jo!

I'm grateful for this forum and for all the wonderful travel advice I've received from many of you. Thank you! ;-)

Happy Thanksgiving, and happy & safe travels to you all!

Posted by
4032 posts

Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Ms. Jo.

Posted by
10521 posts

Happy Thanksgiving to you Jo!! We are going untraditional this year. No turkey for us. :-)

Posted by
4131 posts

Happy Thanksgiving to you Ms. Jo and everyone one else on this forum. I also want to thank everyone for their help in my travel planning.

Posted by
32306 posts

Thanks for the belated Thanksgiving wishes. I'd also like to extend best wishes to all on the forum for a happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by
9436 posts

Happy Thanksgiving Jo, Andrea and everyone here!

Jo, when will you be coming to visit again? 😊

Posted by
1318 posts

Thanks, Jo. And Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well. (Hope that you can come see us again some time soon!)
I was thinking today about all that I have to be thankful for (politics aside ...) since I have just returned from 3 weeks in Europe and am busy planning for another trip this coming Spring.
I hope that we can all appreciate our opportunities to enjoy the larger world (and the larger world view) and help make our world safer for all its people.
And thanks to this Forum for all the support it offers to so many of us.

Posted by
11613 posts

Happy Thanksgiving to all travelers, and let us hold in our hearts those who do not have the freedom or opportunity to travel.

Posted by
985 posts

Happy Thanksgiving to you and the forum, Ms. Jo. It's a sunny morning in Florida and thankfully I am only committed to making two sides today - scalloped oysters and corn pudding. Looking forward to winging it for Christmas in Europe.

Posted by
2139 posts

Ms. Jo and all other forum readers,

Happy Thanksgiving to you!!

Just got the turkey in the oven about an hour ago. In about four hours, our house will be filled with family and friends. Then tonight we'll melt into bed, after hours of washing and putting up...........T R A D I T I O N. Then it's the making of the turkey gumbo (Louisiana style) tomorrow.

We (including each of you) all have so very much for which to be thankful!!! As I am known to say, there are millions and millions of people who would trade places (and problems) with any one of us. We have to remember that!!

Peace to all, and may your day (and lives) be filled with joy!!


Posted by
235 posts

Happy Thanksgiving from London. We had planned on having a Thanksgiving-type meal over near Marble Arch, but stayed longer than we anticipated at Windsor Castle and had an Afternoon Tea instead. Getting close to ending this 8-day London trip . . . feeling very thankful that we have the opportunity to travel to amazing places tbroughout Europe.

Posted by
6460 posts

I'm a day late, but I also want to thank Ms. Jo and all the other friendly, helpful folks on this forum. I've gotten so much out of this. Happy Holiday season to all, and Happy Travels!