Getting close to dinner and party time here on the west coast of the USA. But we are not hosting, so there is time for a bit of reflection.
Last year at this time we were just arriving in Sydney, Australia, after flying overnight and totally missing December 31---it did not exist for us since we left LAX on Dec. 30 at 10 pm, and arrived in Sydney onnJanuary 1.
We had a great trip and met some wonderful people while trekking in New Zealand, including a British couple with whom we stay in touch and met for lunch when we were in the UK last fall. They are coming to stay with us next June. The husband is a Masters rower and got my husband interested in getting back in his single scull. We went to Henley---the starship for rowers---on that same trip, and my husband went rowing on the Thames with a small club there. At dinner we met another British couple because the gentleman collapsed in a restaurant and my husband (a doctor) came to his rescue and took charge. I comforted the wife and assured her it would be OK. Philip was taken to hospital but is fine now, and we will go see them on our next trip to the UK, in May.
All of which is just to say you never know what blessings travel will bring you.
May you enjoy some surprises and meet new friends your next trip. Cheers!