What a wonderful topic. Happy Mother's Day to the Moms!
In the 90's (before Facebook and cellphones and the myriad ways to do research and stay connected) my Mom and Dad and I went to Sicily on a "find your family" trip looking for my Mom's aunt and cousin. Armed with an old address, we arrived in the tiny town and knocked on the door. No answer. A neighbor stepped out and tried to communicate, but my Mom - who fluently understands Italian - cannot speak it. At the time, I spoke no Italian. My Mom was in tears thinking we wouldn't find her relatives.
A gentleman crossed the street and offered help - first in Italian, then asking if we spoke any French. I still had passable command of college French and, in a little 3-language triangle we were able to explain why 3 Americans were knocking on doors in Sicily. As you might expect in such a tiny town, the man knew my mother's aunt and offered to drive up to her house; we followed in our car.
Arriving at my Mom's aunt's house minutes later, my Mom (now fully in tears) showed the photo she had brought of my grandmother, the aunt's older sister. My Mom's aunt brought her in the house to show her the same photo of my grandmother on her mantle.
My Mom and Dad and I spent an incredible week in Sicily, staying at the aunt's house and visiting dozens of my Mom's aunts and uncles and cousins of all degrees!