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Happy 4th of July!

It isn't a question, but ought to still be ok to post. Hope you all have a wonderful celebration. If someone could please eat some of that fabulous sweet corn for me, that would be swell. Or bring some over! Would love to go to a BBQ, watch some parades and go to some fireworks. Will be heading off to the Consulate party in just a few minutes though, to catch the Marines Color Guard and have some BBQ chicken, but it isn't the same as being in States. Thinking of all of our troops serving overseas and know they wish they were back in the US. Have a fun and safe celebration!

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2092 posts

Happy 4th of July to you too, Jo and to the Helpline! Wish you all could join us for our BBQ, fireworks and swimming!

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14560 posts

Ditto, the corn's just come in around here so will raise an ear to all the compatriots and friends around the globe. Pam

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208 posts

Hello Jo, been a good while since I have posted. I will be attending a great backyard BBQ later today. Just Ribs, burgers and hotdogs, all the fixins and home made ice cream. Sweet corn is in season and is so good right now. Nashville has one of the best fireworks shows in the country and that will be great as well. Maybe we can switch cities next year for awhile. HA! Would love to be back there again and so enjoyed the time with you and your husband in Frankfurt. Happy 4th to you as well.

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12040 posts

Jo, I'm temporarily back in the US for vacation, so I'll try to appreciate the fireworks for you.

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32323 posts

Jo, Happy 4th of July to you! I imagine the Consulate party is now long over, since it's after 20:00 in Germany now. Hope you enjoyed the BBQ chicken. Last year at this time, I was a guest at a 4th of July celebration at one of the Pubs in Bacharach. Although my celebration takes place on July 1st, I suppose they figured that was close enough. It was a small group of very nice people, and for me it was one of those special memories of my trip. I share your sentiments regarding the troops. Most of ours will be coming home this month after a long mission in Afghanistan. I imagine getting back to life at home will require a "period of adjustment". Your post reminded me that I haven't had Corn for a while. Must check the local markets today..... Cheers!

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2425 posts

Had great steak BBG with the best New Jersey sweet white corn dripping with butter, then to baseball game with hot dogs and crackerjacks and fireworks. We are so lucky to be free to do these things thanks to all our troops.

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1806 posts

On the beaches of Newport, RI over the past several days I have heard German, Swedish and Italian being spoken. I am aghast as they are all wearing shorts & I am not seeing any moneybelts being worn under those tiny Speedo bathing suits! Are the Money Belt Police all in Europe right now? Someone please arrest these savages before they get pickpocketed at tonight's fireworks display...

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10344 posts

"I am aghast as they are all wearing shorts & I am not seeing any moneybelts being worn under those tiny Speedo bathing suits! Are the Money Belt Police all in Europe right now? Someone please arrest these savages before they get pickpocketed at tonight's fireworks display." Nah. The European tourists realize that pick-pocketing requires some finesse. Since our robbers have guns, they've already been advised in their Michelin USA guidebooks that moneybelts don't work over here, because our robbers just shoot them and then take their stuff.

Posted by
977 posts

Speedos!!!! They are known here as 'Budgie Smugglers'.
Must be the most ghastly, tacky item of clothing ever designed.

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2349 posts

I love my country, love a summer holiday, and love the food. Also love big public displays of fireworks. I do not like the 4th because right now it sounds like a war zone outside my house. I do not enjoy idiots with explosives. I am a July Scrooge. It's a busy work week for me, but we did enjoy some baby back ribs, nice rib eyes, and yes, sweet corn. Also fresh cantaloupe and strawberries. I missed getting to the cherry man at the farmers market, so no lug of cherries for me this year.

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9145 posts

The party was still going on at 20:00, but I came home. Everyone had a great time, several bouncy castles for the various age groups, mechanic bull riding, wall climbing, BBQ, a beer wagon, sack-races, hula-hoop contests, live music, a DJ and dancing and the weather was perfect. No sweet corn though. They used to have a week long German American Friendship fest in Frankfurt, with rodeo, fireworks and all the military units would sell food or beer to raise money for their events for the coming year. Corn on the cob was an unusual menu item back then, so all the Germans would try it as well as Miller or Budweiser beer. They have it at all the fests now, but the corn isn't good sweet corn. I want some "Silver and Gold" corn. Need to remember the phrase "budgie smugglers". Classic!

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9369 posts

"Budgie smugglers" is cute! I have also heard Speedos called "banana hammocks". Jo, years (and years and years) ago I bought corn on the cob at the Prater amusement park, but without butter. And it wsa field corn, not sweet corn. And it had a worm in it. As a homesick college student, I was crushed. :)

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12313 posts

Yes, I recall my Ozzie friends referring to them as "budgie smugglers". In San Diego we called them "marble bags". I swam competitively so had to wear them more than I cared to.

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2349 posts

Ooohh, Braa-aad-any photos to share? Or maybe you've learned Anthony Weiner's lesson.

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10344 posts

It must be the weekend (see Brad's and Karen's posts).