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Hallstatt Hostel Hom Muhle problems

Hello fellow travellers. I want to reserve 4 nights in Hom Muhle hostel in Hallstatt for this July. I have emailed their website 4 times asking for a reservation (3 times in Enlish, 1 in German). I have had no response at all and I rechecked my email for accuracy. I am very disappointed, and Rick recommends this hostel so I would like to stay there. What would you do? Book somewhere else or keep hounding this place?

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32245 posts


You might also have a look at Gasthof Simony. Although it will be a bit more expensive than a Hostel, it's in a great location and I suspect you'll get a better response than you have so far from the Hostel.

Good luck!

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1449 posts

If you don't hear back, that typically means they don't have room.

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425 posts

Have you called them? When I was planning my trip, I emailed several places and didn't responses for one reason or another. I called and got rooms. Some of them aren't as emial friendly as we are used to.