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Hallo Zusammen!

Just checking in, and I am so sorry I have been MIA for such a long time.

Many changes in my life due to the Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease, one of them the loss of my job.

My job as a respiratory therapist was my "comfort zone". I loved taking care of my patients, making them breathe easier and helping them with pulmonary rehab, smoking cessation, asthma treatment, saving lives in the ER.

Now all that is gone, because of this crappy disease I have inherited.

I want to go home to Germany and live out the rest of my days at home, but I am already at Stage II and Monday morning I go for more neuro-psych testing to see if my AD has worsened.

I am trying my best to keep the "British Stiff Upper Lip", but sometimes it is all I can do to drag my lazy Arsch out of bed.

Don't know if I have told you, but I do manage to maintain a blog. It is at if you'd like to check in sometime and see what I'm doing?

Please remember that if you click on that ad box, 1 penny goes to Alzheimer's Research and one penny goes to my local humane society.

These days, the first words of anything I say always seem to be "I'm sorry!"

Ich bedanke mich sehr, sehr, sehr!


Posted by
9369 posts

Hi, Bill, it's nice to hear from you! I have been reading your blog since you mentioned it a (long) while back, and I think it's a very valuable resource -- and I love the music videos that fit so perfectly with your topic of the day.

Posted by
118 posts

I am a registered nurse and work very close with Respiratory therapists! I admire the jobs you guys do! Keep being positive!

Posted by
242 posts

Y'all are not going to believe this, considering how long I have been away, but I am growing more and more dependent on "people" (and I put that word in quotes, because the only "people' I interact with these days, are "online" friends.)

It's ridiculous, you know - but when I am writing (as I am now) I pretend I am actually SPEAKING to you on the other side of the screen, and I can do this all day long.

It's like we're carrying on a "conversation" and unfortunately, it is one of the signs of advancing Alzheimer's. (The dependency on others, I mean).

It is now 12:38 am in the morning here in Georgia, but although I know I need to sleep, I'll get up in a little while to check in to see if anyone has sent an e-mail or answered here.

I got it bad, huh?



Posted by
32320 posts


Sorry to hear of the changes the disease has caused in your life, especially the loss of your "comfort zone". Hopefully the testing on Monday will show no progression in the disease?

I'm a retired Paramedic and worked with R.T.'s and R.N.'s on a regular basis, and also very much admire the job both professions do.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Posted by
10344 posts

Bill: As we read your words, our thoughts are with you. Keep writing to us, as needed. I dropped by and read your blog. God bless.

Posted by
9145 posts

Welcome back! I too compulsively check this darn forum several times a day, so you are not unusual there.

I like your video clips on your blog too. Keep em coming!

Hang in there and KTF.