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Gyms in Europe

I keep a pretty strict routine of working out and I’m wondering what the gyms are like in Europe. Rick Steves says that there are a lot of accessible pools that are fairly cheap. This is good, but what about the weight rooms? Depending upon where I go in Europe, the price is going to vary. I understand this. But I’m wondering if Europeans use the weight room as much as Americans, and whether they’re ubiquitous.

This will also help me decide what to take on my trip.

You guys gave me great itinerary advice! So, I look forward to hearing your feedback.

Thanks guys.

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5792 posts

If you are going to London, try Soho Gyms (check their website). They offer a pay per visit option.

You might also check the Golds Gym site. They have gyms in a number of European cities.

If you know your itinerary, I would suggest you ask your question on the appropriate city forums on tripadvisor where locals may be able to direct you to a gym.

Alternatively, ask at your hotel. Most business class hotels can direct you to a local gym. Alternatively, the hotel will probably be able to locate a gym on the web or in a local phonebook. Call the gym and ask about a daypass.

Finally, you might try this website. I've never used any of the gyms listed on it myself, but stumbled upon it recently when I was looking for pools.

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430 posts

I found they were tougher to locate than in the States -- but it is possible I wasn't looking for them correctly.

Also, the ones I found fell into one of two categories -- sporting, or powerlifting. The 'sport' gyms mixed a few machines with tennis courts, basketball or similar, saunas and other spa treatments -- -- then there were hardcore powerlifting places with nothing but free weights, bad lighting, and no niceties. I never found a place that mixed spa / aerobic / freeweights like we have here -- I'm sure they exist (I think), but I couldn't locate them.

I'm hoping someone else weighs in saying I'm all wet -- I'd love to learn what I was doing wrong.

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425 posts

Hey Josh, Post the cities you will be going to. There are folks on here with GREAT reseach powers and might be able to help better.


Posted by
28 posts

Good idea, Rob.

The places I'll be going to are London, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Paris, French Riviera, Normandy,
Rome, Venice, Tuscany, Florence, Vienna, Salzburg, Munich,and Berlin.

I'll check out the Gold's Gym website, Laura.